
When will honeysuckle be planted? How can processing improve the added value? I'll give you the answer in one article.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, During the epidemic, honeysuckle was sold out of stock because it was said to have a preventive effect, and as a grower, the enthusiasm for planting in the coming year has also been greatly improved. When will the honeysuckle be planted? How can processing improve the added value? Let's do it one by one, only

During the epidemic, honeysuckle was sold out of stock because it was said to have a preventive effect, and as a grower, the enthusiasm for planting in the coming year has also been greatly improved. When will the honeysuckle be planted? How can processing improve the added value? Let's go one by one, and only this article will give you the answer! If you don't believe me, just read on.

When will honeysuckle be planted?

Honeysuckle has two propagation methods: seed propagation and cuttage. Among them, the former sowed seeds in April, soaked the seeds in 35-40 ℃ warm water for 24 hours, took out 2-3 times wet sand to promote germination, sowed seeds when the crack reached about 30%, and then transplanted in autumn or spring of the second year.

The latter in summer and autumn cloudy and rainy weather, the first strong disease-free 1-2-year-old branches cut into 30-35 cm, remove the lower leaves as cuttings, cut as you like. In the selected land, dig holes according to row spacing 1.6m, plant spacing 1.5m, hole depth 16-18cm, each hole 5-6 cuttings, scattered oblique standing buried in the soil, the ground exposed 7-10 cm, about, fill compaction.

Second, how can honeysuckle be processed to improve its added value?

Honeysuckle is generally used for dry pharmaceutical, or brewing and drinking, so there are two kinds of processing: drying and drying.

1. Sun drying

In the sun long flat ground or slate, spread a thin layer of flowers in the morning, the same day sun harvest, this method saves labor and time, but in case of wind, cloudy and rainy days will affect the quality. Baskets have been used more often since 1970. A basket frame about 1.7 meters long, 0.7 meters wide and 5-7 centimeters high is made of wooden sticks, with sorghum straw or mat (sorghum straw is not peeled, mat is to be reused to facilitate water absorption) as the bottom. 2.5-3 kg per basket of fresh flowers. Place the basket north and south in a ventilated and sunny place and pad it high in the north. After the sun is 80% dry, you can pour it into the mat and turn it over. At night or in case of rain, you can put the basket in the courtyard, put two crossbars between the basket and cover the mat (or rain gear). When the bud reaches 80% dry, it must not be turned over, otherwise it will turn black and the quality will decline.

two。 Drying

Mainly in the drying room. The main operating procedures are:

Pre-drying (room temperature 30 ℃) one flower packing (35 ℃, upper and lower flower baskets exchanged every 2-3 hours) → heating and ventilation (40 ℃ ventilation, 5-10 hours, temperature 45-50 ℃. Ventilation every 5 minutes, 10 hours later, when the temperature rises to 55 ℃, that is, rapid drying, a total of about 18 hours) → out of the Kang (1 hour before leaving the Kang, and ventilation, when the temperature is below 10 ℃, honeysuckle is 80% dry, the end of the flower basket will be dried).

When drying, the drying room is generally two-room type, 6 meters long and 5 meters wide. Two stoves are repaired at one end of the house, the Longkang-style fire path is repaired in the room, and the chimney and skylight are left on the roof, 0.3 meters above the ground. There is a pair of vents opposite to each other on the front and rear walls of each room. There is a steel bar or wood baking rack 20 centimeters away from the wall on both sides of the room. There is a 1.4 meter passage between the shelves, which is 5.6 meters long, 1.6 centimeters wide and 2.6 meters high. The frame is divided into 10 layers and the distance between layers is 20 centimeters. The bottom layer is 40 centimeters away from the fire, with 8 honeysuckle baskets on each floor and 10 centimeters apart, with a total of 160 flower baskets on the top. Pre-bake before the flower, remove the indoor moisture and increase the temperature, when the room temperature rises to 35 ℃, the flowers can be installed, the thickness of the flowers is kept at 3-4 cm, put the basket neatly on the drying rack, close the doors and windows, plug the vents, bake, and change the position of the upper and lower baskets every 2-3 hours. After installing the honeysuckle, increase the fire immediately. When the room temperature is raised to about 40 ℃, the flowers begin to drain, and the skylight can be opened to discharge moisture. Within 5-10 hours, the room temperature should be kept at 45-50 ℃, open the stomata, so that moisture can be discharged quickly. If the temperature is not enough, some or all of the stomata can be blocked and ventilated when the indoor moisture is high, only about 5 minutes at a time. After 10 hours, most of the moisture of the flowers was discharged, and the room temperature reached 55 ℃. The honeysuckle dried quickly and lasted for 18 hours. About an hour before leaving the Kang, the fire is gradually reduced, and it has been ventilated all the time, and the temperature drops below 40 ℃. When you hold the top hand and make a sound, you can end the flower basket out. No matter drying or drying, it should be baked again after 2 days to make it dry thoroughly.

In addition, the above planting time of honeysuckle can only be used as a reference, because different regions and climate change will affect the planting time. Therefore, the vast number of growers must adjust the time according to the actual situation and should not copy it blindly.