
When is the best time to sow sesame seeds? How much is the profit per mu? Technical guidance for sesame production in 2020

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sesame, also known as flax, sesame, sesame oil, is a common oil crops in China have been planted. When is the best time to sow sesame seeds? How much is the profit per mu? What are the technical guidelines for sesame production in 2020? Let's take a look at it together. 1. Sesame

Sesame, also known as flax, fat sesame and oil sesame, is a common oil crop planted in many places in China. When will the sesame seeds be sown? What is the profit per mu? What is the technical guidance for sesame production in 2020? Let's take a look.

When will the sesame seeds be sown?

There are two kinds of sesame: summer sesame and autumn sesame. Among them, the suitable sowing date of summer sesame is from late May to early June. The suitable sowing time of autumn sesame is early or middle July, and it can be late in late July under the condition of good heat.

Second, what is the profit per mu of sesame seeds?

There are two kinds of black and white sesame. The yield of black sesame is higher than that of white sesame, but its oil content is lower than that of white sesame. Generally, the yield per mu is about 100kg, the whole growth period is about 95 days, and the income per mu is about 3000 yuan.

Technical guidance on sesame production in 2020!

In late April, spring sesame production areas in South China, Northwest and Northeast China were sown one after another, and summer sesame production areas in Huang-Huai, Jianghuai and Yangtze River basins began to prepare for sowing. According to the planting habits and cultivation characteristics of different ecological areas, the National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center and the Oil expert guidance Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Village put forward the technical guidance for sesame production in 2020.

First, sow seeds at the right time and plant them closely in a reasonable manner. Due to the selection of high-quality and special-purpose varieties with strong disease resistance and waterlogging tolerance, we should try our best to achieve centralized continuous planting so as to improve the consistency of commodity quality. Sesame seeds are small, sowing should not be too deep, generally 2mi 3cm; sowing with suitable moisture after rain can sow the whole seedling; if it rains after sowing, it should be broken in time to facilitate germination and emergence. In Huang-Huai and Jianghuai summer sesame producing areas, after wheat or rape harvest, sowing with suitable soil moisture is the key to high yield. no-tillage direct seeding or rotary tillage can be used for sowing with equal row spacing of 40 cm or wide and narrow rows at 60:20 cm, and the suitable sowing date is from late May to early June. "Gully box cultivation" can be adopted in the Yangtze River valley and southern producing areas, and the sowing time should be from mid-late May to early June, and no later than late July in southern producing areas. The sowing rate per mu in the above producing areas is 0.3ft 0.4 kg, and the planting density is 1.0-15000 plants / mu. The three-cropping production areas in South China are mainly sowing in summer and autumn, and no-tillage mechanical direct seeding can be used, and the suitable sowing date is mid-late June. When the soil moisture is poor, autumn-sowing sesame can use "double-layer sowing". In the first and middle of July, the sowing amount per mu is 0.45kg and the density is 2.0-25000 plants / mu. In the annual sesame production areas such as Northwest, Northeast and North China, plastic film mulching or drip irrigation under plastic film can be used in the arid areas of Northwest China, ridging planting can be adopted in North China, and "deep planting and shallow sowing" should be adopted in the areas with large wind and sand in Northeast China. The sowing time in Northwest and North China is in the first and middle of May, and the sowing date in Northeast China is in the middle to late May. The sowing rate in the above producing areas is 0.4 Mil 0.5 kg and the planting density is 1.2-15000 plants / mu. Sowing with soil moisture conservation is the key to sowing the whole seedling and achieving high yield. Postponing sowing should appropriately increase the density to ensure the population yield.

Second, scientific fertilization and rational irrigation. Sesame fertilization should be determined according to variety characteristics, soil fertility conditions, target yield and so on, generally based on base fertilizer, supplemented by topdressing, to achieve balanced fertilization. The early maturing and shorter varieties need less fertilizer, while the higher middle and late maturing plants need more fertilizer; the yield per mu is 100 Mu 150 kg, the general application of compound fertilizer is 25 Mu 30 kg per mu, and the urea application at the early flowering stage is 8 kg 10 kg. For the fields with poor growth at the seedling stage, urea can be applied more than 2 kg per mu. Sesame needs less water in seedling stage, and generally does not water when sowing in sufficient moisture. Moderate drought is beneficial to root growth and squatting seedlings to promote strong. The flowering stage is sensitive to water and needs the most water. When the leaves wilt, furrow irrigation or sprinkler irrigation is used in the morning and evening, and flood irrigation and field water accumulation are avoided. If the late growth period is irrigated in time in case of drought, the stagnant water in the field will be drained immediately after irrigation; when it is flooded, it will be drained in time to avoid the formation of waterlogging. The "three ditches" should be unblocked during the whole growth period of sesame in Huang-Huai, Jianghuai and Yangtze River basin to prevent waterlogging damage. In the early and middle stages of summer sesame growth in South China, there were many Rain Water and high humidity, so they should be ditched and planted in narrow compartments.

Third, prevention is the first, green prevention and control. Sesame seedling stage is the key period for the prevention and control of diseases, insect pests and weeds. Before sowing, attention should be paid to the prevention of Fusarium wilt and stem point blight before and after sowing. Spraying herbicides before sowing and plastic film mulching after sowing can be used to control weeds in North China, Northeast and Northwest China; herbicides can be sprayed on fields that have not been closed before seedlings to control weeds at seedling stage; mainly control pests such as small tigers and crickets at seedling stage; focus on control of cotton bollworm at flowering and capsule stage; focus on control of leaf spot disease after flowering; at the same time, we should also pay attention to the control of aphids and thrips. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and southern sesame producing areas, attention should also be paid to the prevention of bacterial wilt and epidemic diseases. In case of waterlogging disaster, timely topdressing nitrogen fertilizer, spraying foliar fertilizer, promoting roots and protecting leaves.

Fourth, strengthen field management and harvest at the right time. Sesame seedlings grow slowly and absorb less nutrients and water, so it should be promoted first and then controlled to promote root squatting seedlings. 2 pairs of seedlings in front and back of true leaves and 5 pairs of fixed seedlings in 4mur. the seedlings can be ploughed and cultivated 20 days after emergence, so as to realize the early development of strong seedlings. Entering the bud stage, the growth and development is accelerated, the demand for nutrients and water is large, and the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accounts for 90% of the whole growth period, focusing on the combination of promotion and control to achieve steady growth. When the sesame is close to the closed row, the open-field sesame ploughs, clears the trench, cultivates the soil and removes the weeds in the wide row or in the trench. Strive for more buds and flowers, reduce the shedding of buds and flowers, prolong the time of flowering and capsule formation as far as possible, and build a high-yield shelf. On the field sown with iron stubble, urea 8Mel 10 kg / mu was applied at the early flowering stage to prevent falling flowers and capsules; if the growth is too prosperous, an appropriate amount of dwarf can be sprayed to avoid lodging. The flowering stage is sensitive to the external environment, and the resistance to disease and waterlogging is poor. In case of continuous overcast and rain, stagnant water in the field should be removed in time to prevent the occurrence of waterlogging damage and diseases. In case of drought, drought should be fought in a timely manner if conditions permit. Entering the final flowering stage, field management focuses on preventing premature senility, lodging and promoting grain filling. Foliar fertilizer can be properly sprayed in the later growth stage to prevent leaf senescence and benefit grain filling. Harvest should be timely after maturity, when most of the leaves of the plant fall off and the lower capsule is slightly split, it can be harvested. Sectional harvesting can be carried out in conditional areas, mechanical cutting (bundling), drying and threshing can also be carried out, and small bundles can also be sunburned, covered before rain, protected against mildew, threshed in time, blown by the wind, and properly preserved.

It is not difficult to plant sesame, but the land and climate in different regions are different, and the time and technology of planting are slightly different, so we should make corresponding adjustments according to the actual situation and should not copy them blindly.