
What is willow catkin? When will it fall and end? Attached allergy treatment and prevention methods

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At the same time every year, willow catkins become the object of complaints from friends in the north, but what is willow catkins to friends in the south who do not have this problem? When will it fall? What if I have allergies? A series of questions are not very clear, so today

At the same time every year, willow catkins will become the object of "complaint" of northern friends, but what is willow catkins for southern friends who do not have this problem? When will it fall? What if I have allergies? A series of questions are not very clear, so we will answer them one by one here today.

First, what is willow catkin?

Catkins are the seeds of willows, with white fluff, scattered with the wind, such as floating catkins, so it is called catkins. The stipules are only born on the germinating branches.

In addition, there is another kind of poplar catkins in life, which is very similar to willow catkins, but the flowers on poplars are actually called poplar catkins, which appear when the fruit sequence of female poplars is ripe, and the catkins we often talk about are the seeds of willows. Poplar catkins are the seeds of poplars, while willow catkins are the seeds of willows.

The texture of poplar catkins is more cohesive and looks more like cotton, while the fibers of willow catkins are more dispersed and slender, so they can fly farther.

Second, when will the catkins fall and end?

1. Float and fall

Catkins mainly fall from April to May in spring and fall at the end of spring and the beginning of summer. However, in some urban areas, where willow trees are planted, some drugs will be sprayed in advance to prevent various allergic reactions caused by catkins falling, which also has a certain protective effect on the health of the public.

two。 End

Willow catkins usually end at the end of May, when summer begins. However, the time of appearance and end is different in each region, such as the peak of catkins falling in Shandong area in mid-April, which ends 1-2 weeks later, and that in Nanjing area from April to May.

Third, willow catkins allergy how to do?

1. Deal with

If the degree of allergy is very mild, as long as you stay indoors and avoid contact with catkins, it will not take long to get better. If the condition is serious, you can see a nearby doctor, or wipe the ointment to relieve allergic symptoms.

two。 Prevention

Allergic constitution can be prevented by taking anti-allergic drugs in advance, or supplement vitamin C, and eat more food such as red dates, carrots, Flammulina velutipes, onions, garlic and so on. They all contain a large number of anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic substances, which can effectively prevent allergic reactions such as pollen allergy and allergic dermatitis.

In addition, if the situation of willow catkins is more common in the area, it is recommended to wear a good mask to avoid the "peak period" of catkins. In sunny weather, the high incidence period of catkins is usually from 10:00 to 4 p.m. Choose to go out in the morning or evening, or when the humidity is high.