
What are the planting techniques of edible fungi? Planting these two varieties is high-yielding and profitable!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Edible fungus refers to the large fungi that can be used for human consumption, and the cultivation of edible fungi is a project with short filial piety period and quick effect, and its development of stone is also very good. What are the planting techniques of edible fungi? Planting these two varieties is high-yielding and profitable! Edible fungi

Edible fungus refers to the large fungi that can be used for human consumption, and the cultivation of edible fungi is a project with short filial piety period and quick effect, and its development of stone is also very good. What are the planting techniques of edible fungi? Planting these two varieties is high-yielding and profitable!

Planting Technology of Edible Fungi

1. Tremella

Tremella fuciformis is a wood-rotten edible fungus, which grows on dead trees, broken branches and other wood. this kind of edible fungus can use sawdust as raw material when making original or cultivated species, and sawdust or section wood can be used as material in cultivation and production. The raw material of Tremella fuciformis cultivated with substitute material is easy to obtain, the growth cycle is short, the operation is simple, and the yield is significantly higher than that of wood cultivation.

(1) bagging and sterilization

The current formula for the cultivation of Tremella fuciformis contains a suitable proportion of cottonseed hull, wheat bran, gypsum powder, water and dry material. Water is added after mixing the main ingredients, and the water content in the final cultivation material is 55% to 60%. Mix the cultivation materials, bag and punch holes, stick adhesive tape and sterilize under atmospheric pressure. During sterilization, the bag should be placed evenly and neatly, which is beneficial to the smooth circulation of steam. After the bacteria bag is put into the pot, the steam temperature in the sterilizer can reach 100 ℃ within 3 hours and keep for about 14 hours. After sterilization, the bacteria can not be added until the temperature in the bag drops to room temperature. After inoculation, compacted and re-affixed with the original sealing tape. Note that every operation should be aseptic. After sterilization, the material bag was transferred directly to the bed of the culture room to culture the hyphae.

(2) germ management

Avoid light during mycelial culture and dispose of contaminated bags. After about 18 days of mycelial culture, the mycelium has been blended and connected between the acupoint and the acupoint, and the secretion of melanin can be seen. At this time, the adhesive tape can be removed and cultured on the shelf. The bacterial bag should be turned over and placed, that is, the mouth of the hole should be expanded, covered with newspaper, sprayed with water, and kept moist. Control humidity management at any time, fine spray frequently. Ventilation should be strengthened for half an hour in the morning, in the middle and in the evening.

(3) ear management

After 18 days of culture, the hyphae almost filled the bacterial bag, the primordia began to differentiate and ear buds formed, and the temperature should be controlled at 20: 28 ℃ to increase scattered light and strengthen ventilation. When the temperature exceeded 26 ℃ in the high temperature season, more water should be sprayed to prolong the ventilation time to reduce the temperature. In the low temperature season, artificial heating is needed to ensure the suitable temperature for the growth and development of Tremella fuciformis.

Cut the film and expand the hole (eye expansion): when the mycelium is full, the bacterial bag is put on the shelf and begins to cut the film and expand the hole. The specific method is to use the blade along the diagonal edge of the tape to make a round cut of the bacterial bag, with a hole with 4~5cm in diameter, and to cut evenly and not severely damage the mycelium.

Control conditions: strengthen the control of temperature and humidity, the optimum temperature for fruiting body growth is 20-25 ℃, and timely spray humidification during this period. High-yield water of Tremella fuciformis is a key factor, and reasonable and proper control is necessary. If too much water and poor ventilation will often cause rotten ear pedicel. Ventilation is also a key factor, strengthen ventilation when the temperature is high; when the temperature is low, it is necessary to heat up properly and keep the temperature right all the time.

Add light: fruit body growth and development stage, appropriate scattered light irradiation, fruit body differentiation, rapid expansion, ear piece hypertrophy, white color, high yield.

2. Auricularia auricula

(1) seed production

Sawdust bacteria were made into culture medium with sawdust and wheat bran. The mycelia of sawdust were cut into 1.5cm with 1 cm thick branches, added with nutrients such as sucrose and rice bran, sterilized under high pressure after bottling, and inserted into the mother seed. After cultured at 25-28 ℃ for one month, the hyphae could grow full of bottles.

(2) ear wood preparation

Earwood should be prepared after the cultivation site is selected. the commonly used earwood species are Fagaceae and Betulaceae. Select the ear tree with a diameter of 10~12cm at breast height, cut it into a section of 1 to 1.2m long and brush it with new lime, and then put it in a ventilated and sunny place.

(3) inoculation

The tools used for inoculation should be disinfected with ethanol in advance. First use an electric drill to drill the hole of 1.5cm vertically from 7cm on the earwood. If you use sawdust bacteria, you should fill the hole and cover the prefabricated bark cover. After the branch strain is inserted into the inoculation hole, it is hammered so that it is flat to the surface of the wood and has no pores.

(4) colonization

First of all, the bacteria should be piled up, and the earwood will be stacked in the shape of "well" or "mountain". The suitable temperature in the reactor is 20-28 ℃, and the relative humidity is kept at about 80%. It takes 4 to 5 weeks in the north and 3 to 4 weeks in the south. When the mycelium has extended to the xylem and a small number of ear buds are produced, it should be scattered in time. General use of flat ostentation, with sleepers to set up one end or both ends of earwood, neatly arranged in the cultivation field, after about 1 month can be off the shelf. In the off-shelf stage, the temperature, humidity, light and ventilation conditions of the cultivation field must be adjusted well, but the management center is the problem of water. It is best to have a light rain every 3 days and a moderate or heavy rain in half a month. Water should be sprayed manually during drought to solve the problem of dry and wet, and the relative humidity should be kept between 90% and 95%. Water spraying should be carried out in the morning and evening.

Edible fungus has broad prospects and great space for development, coupled with the attention of local governments at all levels, the cultivation of raw materials is rich, and the technology is easy to master. In the future, the edible mushroom industry will become an independent industry and a good project for the majority of farmers to shake off poverty and become rich.