
What kind of fertilizer should be applied to rice at heading stage? When do you take the medicine? Main points of pest control are attached!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Heading is a fully developed panicle of cereal crops, and the phenomenon of protruding the top leaves with the elongation of the stem is not only the vigorous stage of vegetative growth and reproductive growth, but also the best time for topdressing. So, what kind of fertilizer should be applied to rice at heading stage? When do you play?

Heading is a fully developed panicle of cereal crops, and the phenomenon of protruding the top leaves with the elongation of the stem is not only the vigorous stage of vegetative growth and reproductive growth, but also the best time for topdressing. So, what kind of fertilizer should be applied to rice at heading stage? When do you take the medicine? Main points of pest control are attached!

What kind of fertilizer should be applied to rice at heading stage?

The application of panicle fertilizer should be comprehensively considered according to the expected requirements of variety, climate, soil, high-yield structure and ideal growth. General early-maturing varieties can not be applied; for general mid-late maturing hybrid rice, panicle fertilizer should also be applied on the basis of early application of tillering fertilizer, especially for Sha Tian with low fertility and weak fertility. Generally speaking, the amount of urea in panicle fertilizer accounts for about 20-30% of the total nitrogen fertilizer, and potassium sulfate or potassium chloride accounts for about 40-50% of the total potassium fertilizer application. For slow growth in the early stage, yellowish leaves at jointing stage, no dew in the leaves in the morning, flower-promoting fertilizer should be applied at noon when the leaves are straight, and flower-protecting fertilizer should be applied if the "two black" is not significant at booting stage, so as to improve seed setting rate and promote large panicle.

When to administer medicine at the heading stage of rice?

The spraying time of rice heading stage should be within 5-7 days before rice break stage, which is the best time to control sheath blight, rice blast, rice planthopper and other diseases and insect pests. When administering medicine, you should pay attention to avoid the high temperature period at noon, generally spraying before 10: 00 in the morning and after 3: 00 in the afternoon. If it rains within three hours after administration, it needs to be replenished.

III. Key points of pest control at heading stage of rice

1. Sheath blight

It should be mastered when the rate of diseased plants at booting stage reaches 30% to 4%. The liquid should be sprayed on the middle and lower parts of the rice plant. Using the pouring method, the field should maintain a 3-5 cm watering layer. When applying Jinggangmycin, it is best to do it on a sunny day after rain, or when there is no heavy rain within two hours after application. Use 5% of Jinggangmycin water 100ml to 150ml, or Jinggangmycin high concentration powder 25g, either spray 100 kg of water routinely or pour 400 kg of water.

2. Rice blast

When it is found that the occurrence of rice blast, it is necessary to correctly judge the type of rice blast, combined with the disease to control the development of the disease in the early stage, as far as possible to stop the spread of the pathogen. The drug treatment strategy of Fuji No. 1 and chlorobromoisocyanuric acid soluble powder (concentration 50%) was adopted to control the development of the disease and avoid causing greater damage.

3. Rice planthopper

(1) drop oil to kill insects. Drop 400 grams of waste diesel oil or waste engine oil per mu, keep a shallow water layer of 20 cm in the field, manually drive out insects, insects fall into the water and touch the oil and die. Change clear water after treatment, do not use this method after booting.

(2) spreading poisonous soil. Sprinkle with 1.5 kg dimethoate powder and 2 kg moist fine soil per mu.

(3) spraying with medicine. Spray with 40% dimethoate emulsion 0.5 kg plus water 800-1000 kg.

4. Chilo suppressalis

During the incubation period of ant borer, the breaking period is the best time to control white spike. When the break is 5% to 10%, the pesticide is applied once, and the number of nymphs is large, and then add 1 to 2 times, with an interval of 5 days.

It can be known that the heading stage of rice marks the transition of rice from root, stem and leaf growth to flowering and grain setting, which is not only the most important key period to determine rice yield, but also the fastest growth and development of rice in its life. the period that requires the most nutrients, water, temperature and light. Therefore, it is very important to do a good job in fertilization, pest control and management at this stage.