Selection and purchase method of improved Peanut varieties in Peanut High-yield planting techniques, selection of Peanut varieties in three aspects
Peanut planting method we should all know, that peanut high-yield planting technology peanut seed selection method is what kind of it? Let's take a look together!
1. Select varieties according to planting mode. The peanut seeds sold in the current seed management outlets are generally suitable for local climatic conditions and have popularization value in production, but different varieties vary greatly in terms of yield, quality, stress resistance, etc. Therefore, first of all, you should choose the right variety according to your planting mode.
2, according to the production use to select varieties. Peanuts are divided into cooking from its use. To produce such commercial fruits, large fruit type peanuts are generally selected and plastic film mulching cultivation techniques are adopted. For dry fried fruit, the production of this kind of peanut should choose the variety with thin skin, big bean and crispy taste; for processing oil extraction, it is necessary to choose the variety with high oil yield.
3. Select varieties according to the yield increase of seed replacement in different places. Especially in the main production area of spring sowing peanut, the planting mode of continuous cropping is adopted, which restricts the yield of peanut to a certain extent. The production test shows that the method of replacing new varieties or introducing new varieties from other places has obvious effect on reducing disease occurrence and increasing peanut yield.
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