
New North handicapped Employment pluralistic Development the Labour Bureau joined hands with the Literary Foundation to launch hearing impaired Performing Arts

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, (Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) in order to promote the diversified development of the employment of the disabled, the New Taipei Municipal Labor Bureau, in cooperation with the Cultural Foundation for the first time, held a press conference on the 25th "We dance in silence, the performing arts exhibition for the hearing impaired".

New North handicapped Employment Diversified Development the Labour Bureau and the Literary Foundation launch the hearing impaired Performing Arts

(Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) in order to promote the diversified development of the employment of the disabled, the New Taipei Municipal Labor Bureau, in cooperation with the Cultural Foundation for the first time, held a press conference on the 25th of the "We Dance in quiet Performing Arts Exhibition of hearing impaired Persons". Trained plain people with hearing impaired dancers performed their own life stories live, and finally joined hands to convey the desire of "connecting" the world of listeners. From now until January 3, 1111, people can make an appointment, experience and see the exhibition in the mansion.

The New Taipei City Labor Bureau said that the special exhibition "We Dance in Silence" was created by director Wang Heng and dancer Lin Jinglan, who jointly led nine ordinary people with hearing impairment based on their own unique experience. There are three highlights in the exhibition, including "the Story of the Artist" and "the three most precious objects of the Artist" to let the viewer understand the love for dance and the life story along the way. Finally, there is an "interactive area", which simulates the environmental sounds heard by deaf people through hearing aids to let the audience feel their real life and be close to the world of the deaf.

Chen Ruijia, director of labor in New Taipei City, said in a speech that the number of people with physical and mental disabilities in New Taipei City exceeded 170000, and the Labor Bureau has been actively promoting the employment of people with disabilities. In fact, as long as they give opportunities to friends with physical disabilities, they can give play to unlimited possibilities. This is the first time to cooperate with the Cultural Foundation to hold an exhibition for hearing impaired performing artists. In addition to encouraging listeners to be closer to the world of the deaf, we will continue to combine different aspects in the future to help disabled people explore the feasibility of various careers.

Lin Jie-you, CEO of the Cultural Foundation, said that today he saw the opening performance full of youth and vitality, and he also admired teacher Lin Jinglan's courage to innovate, led the hearing impaired dance troupe to the world, and felt very proud to be the light of Taiwan. I hope to invite people from all walks of life to watch the exhibition and enjoy the "silent" world.

Zongge, one of the performing artists, likes to dance Bollywood dances in India. When she was two years old, a high fever caused hearing impairment. She used words to communicate with her deaf parents, while her grandparents listened to people and patiently taught her to read lips and communicate with others. In her spare time, she will teach parents who hear impaired children basic sign language, perform sign language stories and other public welfare activities to give back to society, hoping to use her growing experience to encourage hearing-impaired children to grow up in a confident environment, and let listeners understand the world culture of the deaf, and have more respect and tolerance.

▲ New North promotes the diversified development of employment for people with physical disabilities, and the Labor Bureau and the Culture Foundation have jointly launched an exhibition of documents on the performing arts of the hearing impaired.

(courtesy of the New North Labor Bureau)