
Stone camp optoelectronic protest 02 "Youda optoelectronic relationship enterprise has been criticized for" cutting down mountains, planting electricity and destroying cultural resources "enterprises: looking forward to common prosperity

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Stone camp optoelectronic protest 02 "Youda optoelectronic relationship enterprise has been criticized for" cutting down mountains, planting electricity and destroying cultural resources "enterprises: looking forward to common prosperity


(previous article) the ─ Stone Camp, an important military monument of World War II, is facing the destruction of optoelectronic development. Literati question that the owner of the optoelectronic developer of the stone camp, "Shengli Energy", is only an empty shell, while the actual operation of Xingyao Energy is behind the large electronics company Youda Optoelectronics. Zhang Shuwen, vice president of Xingyao Energy, admitted that the main shareholder of Xingyao Energy is Youda Optoelectronics, but she stressed that Xingyao Energy operates completely independently, and she hopes that the protesters will not confuse the two.

Chiang Yuehui, a member of Pingtung, stressed that some of the funds in the Youda Optoelectronics development case came from insurance funds, including Citic Taiwan Life Insurance and Fubon Life Insurance. "Life insurance companies use people's money to invest in photovoltaics and plunder cultural assets in disguise. Although it is not illegal, it loses the demeanor of corporate social responsibility." Before the damage is further expanded, it should be mended in time so as not to make mistakes again and again.

According to the business intelligence website, Lin Tianyu, the board seat of Xingyao Energy, is the top executive of Youda Optoelectronics, and Fubon Financial Holdings and Taiwan Life Insurance of CITIC Financial Holdings are also major shareholders of Xingyao Energy. (screenshot of the reporter's network)

Xingyao Energy: take the initiative to stop work and set up a control zone, not to mention the destruction of cultural resources.

In the face of criticism from the outside world that Youda Optoelectronics used household funds to develop optoelectronics, Zhang Shuwen explained that in response to the government's 2025 waste nuclear policy, Youda Optoelectronics established Xingyao Energy, which did attract capital investment in the life insurance industry, and everything complied with the supervision norms of the Insurance Law.

She stressed that Xingyao Energy was a developer selected by the Pingtung county government. at the beginning, the site was considered to be far away from people, land integrity, and proximity to Taiwan Power's booster station. Before the development, various cultural units repeatedly wrote back and agreed to develop it. In case of cultural disputes, the company will plan the "Green Energy Cultural Resources Park" in a responsible manner to respond to public expectations.

As for questions about the company cutting down mountains and growing electricity, Zhang Shuwen also stressed that it is not true that this case leases more than 100 hectares of land and develops less than 40 hectares, which is a low-density development. She also explained that the scope of the first phase of development was mainly the original idle agricultural land, and the destruction of some hillside land was not the work of the company. The second and third phases involved sloping land, all adopted soil and water conservation measures, and set up a number of flood detention ponds, which were assessed by professional technicians to withstand the flood test.

Zhang Shuwen, vice president of Xingyao Energy, said that the optoelectronic site is mainly developed in low-density development, mainly in the scope of the original farmland, and green vegetation will be restored after the completion of the site project. Photography Lin Jiyang

In response to the dispute over cultural resources, the company has been accused of sneaking around and continuing construction. Zhang Shuwen said that everything has been handled in accordance with the regulations of the county government in accordance with the law. "when enterprises encounter potential literary resources, enterprises take the initiative to stop work and set up a control zone, and construction can still be carried out outside the zone according to law, so there is no violation of the law."

She stressed that before the results of the appraisal of the scope of cultural resources and the examination of literary resources were released, developers, as legal operators, had proposed to preserve the planning and rational use of cultural resources in order to create symbiosis and co-prosperity.

The developer will plan the Green Energy Culture and Capital Park for coexistence and common prosperity.

Chang Shu-wen points out that when she first participated in the Pingtung County government's selection and proposal of this land development project, she also wrote back to the Culture Department of the county government and the Ministry of Culture of the Central Government, all of which proved that there was no dispute over cultural capital and archaeology. now manufacturers are forced to face protests from cultural groups, but they are very helpless but willing to shoulder the responsibility and readjust their planning.

At present, the company has signed industry-university cooperation with Pingtung University, and has appointed Professor Lin Siling, an expert in literature and capital, as a consultant, taking battlefield tourism as a reference, and expects to replan the design of the park and put forward the idea of a "green energy cultural park", including cultural and financial guides and workshops. isolate the green belt and the ecological reserve area.

Only the new planning of the park needs time to re-examine. Zhang Shuwen hopes that the outside world will continue to give time. She believes that after the completion of the project, it will be able to take into account both optoelectronic development and cultural protection.

With the responsibility of work safety, it is hoped that cultural organizations will not gather in private to guide the tour.

As the optoelectronics company set up a fence on the hillside adjacent to the project area, which triggered a backlash from cultural groups, it was believed that the company was preventing the public from paying continuous attention to the stone camp site. Chang Shu-wen criticized that cultural and capital organizations often gather for guided tours in private, and even charge for profits, which is "too disturbing" for engineering units to announce that entry is prohibited.

She explained that at present, the land is still privately owned, and the company has to be responsible for the safety of the project after it is leased, so it is hoped that "cultural and capital people will respect each other and do not intrude into the scope of the project, and the consequences will be unimaginable if safety concerns arise." She said that developers look forward to peaceful and rational communication with cultural groups, but at present, cultural groups do not seem to be willing to communicate positively and repeatedly criticize them, which may not be conducive to a win-win settlement.

Cultural people: cultural assets are public assets, and people have the right to access them.

With regard to the developer's accusation that cultural organizations gathered for guided tours and suspected profit-making activities, cultural worker Guo Jiqing stressed that cultural assets are not owned by the company and belong to public assets, and that people want to approach, understand, and even advocate the protection of literary capital. He also counteraccused that it was precisely because the Pingtung county government was unwilling to designate "proposed monuments" in accordance with the law and the destruction of cultural assets that the private sector would repeatedly mobilize the public to rescue cultural resources.

Lin Xuan-Yao believes that people who come to the scene can feel the importance of historical sites, which further proves that the educational value and tourism potential of World War II sites are sufficient to promote local sustainable development. If the site of World War II is damaged by optoelectronic development, it will be a loss to the place, and it will be even more critical: "Let the public understand the history carried by the stone camp, and they do not know what the manufacturers are afraid of."

The tunnel of the Shitouying fortress is still built during World War II. (photo by Lin Jiyang)

Jiang Yuehui: public funds were used to "cut mountains and plant electricity to destroy literary resources", calling on consumers to boycott

Chiang Yue-hui, a member of the Pingtung District, criticizes that part of the funds in this photovoltaic case come from insurance funds. "ordinary people buy insurance from life insurance companies, but life insurance companies use people's money to invest in optoelectronics. Although there is no problem with the procedure, it does not break the law, but it loses the demeanor of corporate social responsibility." Stone camp is a historical site and a common cultural asset of mankind. after public protest, enterprises not only ignored it but also continued to build it. She directly criticized the holding company behind Xingyao Energy as "unworthy to be called an entrepreneur".

"these World War II sites survived the war, but they could not escape the development of investors. It is not too much to say that these enterprises are cultural capital killers." Jiang Yuehui also lambasted that this case can be said to be a portrayal of the exchange of cover between the official and the consortium. "on the one hand, the county government claims to continue to supervise the protection of cultural funds for projects, on the other hand, it has been slow to tentatively determine the identity of monuments, and the people have asked manufacturers to stop work. The county government unexpectedly claims that it respects private property rights and covers enterprises." the dispute has been six months ago, and the scope of the first phase of development has been nearly completed.

"Stone Camp is a living history textbook and a golden rooster mother that can revitalize the local assets of Hengliao. What does the Pingtung County government plan to leave for the next generation?" Jiang Yuehui lamented, "the county government has long been aware of the literary potential of Shitou Camp, but it is still bent on going its own way. now that literary capital has been damaged, the Department of Culture and the Institute of Cultural Resources should be abolished."

Jiang Yuehui stressed that Citic Taiwan Life and Fubon Life took money from insurers to plunder local cultural assets in disguise. If the government orders the suspension of work, it may give rise to the problem of national compensation, but before the damage is further expanded, it should be remedied in time to avoid making mistakes again and again.

It is worth noting that the photoelectric development scope of this case leases and develops more than 100 hectares of land, some of which were sold and transferred only the previous year. In this regard, Jiang Yuehui surveyed the land administration data and found that the declared land price in this area was only 80 yuan per ping, but someone could buy it the year before and sublet it to Youda related enterprises at a high price the next year. It can be said that the vision of land investment is incomparably accurate, and it is obvious that it has made huge profits through this case.