
Nutrition lunch ten thousand years low price, full length joint appeal reform: parents pay food costs, state subsidies personnel production costs

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Nutrition lunch ten thousand years low price, full length joint appeal reform: parents pay food costs, state subsidies personnel production costs

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Nutritious lunch costs less than 30 yuan per meal, and you can't even afford a cup of precious milk! The cost of nutritious lunch varies from county to city, and the procurement process and standards are opaque. The National Federation of parents' chairmen (hereinafter referred to as the all-long Federation) points out that only 65% to 70% of the nutritious lunch fees paid by parents to schools are spent on foodstuffs, and 25.7% of primary and secondary schools in Taiwan do not use 3-chapter 1Q pork ingredients, so it is difficult to trace the source.

Parent groups suggest that the central government should follow Japan's example by spending 100% of parents' fees on raw materials, and the government should subsidize related personnel and water, electricity and fuel costs. In addition, it should also make food procurement transparent and set up a special lunch law.

Chen Mingxin, chairman of the Taipei lunch Box Food Association, said that the fundamental problem with nutritious lunch is that the cost is too low, and it is expected that the prices of nutritious lunch and local government subsidies for all counties and cities in Taiwan will be announced in April. At present, the Council of Agriculture subsidizes each student to increase the reward for each meal to 6 yuan, which is only to make up the price difference between imported and domestic ingredients, which is tantamount to improving the quality of dishes. If the cost is not increased, the industry is also "making bricks without rice."

The National Federation of parents and Presidents called on the central government to set up a special law on nutritious lunch as soon as possible and make the meal fee structure transparent. (photo / Lin Yijun)

Low cost of food materials, poor salary of kitchen workers and high turnover rate of executive secretaries

In China, 1.8 million school children eat nutritious lunches every day, but the dishes vary greatly from county to city because of the different meal fees. Wang Hanyang, vice chairman of the National Federation of parent chairmen, for example, says that parents in Chiayi County pay 700 yuan a month, and the cost of each meal is about 32 yuan, of which the cost of ingredients is at most 70%, which is probably less than 20 yuan, which is obviously on the low side.

"there is relatively no problem with Beibei peach." Sun Wenchang, a food safety consultant, said that whether the food is good or not depends on whether the local government has the heart or not, and the funds allocated to nutritious lunches by county and municipal governments vary. In addition, the cost of meals is not only for food, but also for kitchen equipment, utilities, and cooks, and the school's nutritious lunch executive secretary works part-time for school staff. because of thanklessness, most of them run away after working for a year, so the quality of lunch is naturally difficult to maintain.

Xu Huiyu, director of the Nutrition Center of Dong's Foundation, said that nutritious lunches belong to local autonomy, and there should be few schools with a cost of less than 20 yuan per meal, but the meal fee structure of schools in each county and city is opaque. There are different schools in the same county and city with the same cost and manpower, but serve completely different dishes, and the nutritious lunches that children eat at school should not have such a gap.

You can't afford a cup of pearl milk tea for lunch, and it's hard for group diners to do it.

With regard to the current situation of nutritious lunches in China, Chen Mingxin, chairman of the Taipei lunch Box Food Association, explained that nutritious lunches in Taiwan are divided into public and public (schools run by themselves), public and private (with hardware facilities in the school and arranged by group caterers), and private, of which public and private are the most, accounting for about 50% to 60%.

With regard to the proposal of the all-long Federation that the cost of lunch in some schools is only 32 yuan per meal and the cost of ingredients is less than 20 yuan, Chen Mingxin believes that this is indeed the case in schools in central and southern China. "the most fundamental problem with nutritious lunches is that the cost is too low." He said that when preparing group meals, operators have to bear the burden of ingredients and personnel, but in order to make quality, there must be a corresponding price.

Chen Mingxin says, for example, that the governments of Taoyuan and Shuangbei have subsidies to enable school children to eat organic vegetables every week. At present, the Council of Agriculture has also raised the reward for food materials from 3.5 yuan per student to 6 yuan per meal, which seems to have increased the funding. However, domestic chicken is about 80 yuan per kilogram and imported chicken is only 45 yuan per kilogram. The increase in reward is only to fill the price gap. "now a cup of pearl milk tea costs 40 yuan, and the cost of a nutritious lunch is still more than 30 yuan per meal, which is very difficult for us."

Full-length couplet: enact a special lunch law as soon as possible, and the procurement process should be transparent and open.

The National Federation of parents and Presidents believes that nutritious lunch may be the best meal of the day for rural students, but the problems that have been accumulated over the years have not been solved. Wang Hanyang said that the alliance suggested that the central government should imitate Japan's nutritious lunch system, using 100% of the fees paid by parents on raw materials, and the government should subsidize related personnel, hardware, water, electricity and fuel. In addition, school nutritious lunches should promote special laws as soon as possible.

Wang Hanyang added that at present, there are only articles 22 and 23 of the School Health Law at the central level of nutritious lunches, resulting in 22 ways of nutritious lunches in 16 counties and cities in Taiwan. The ingredients, production and quality of nutritious lunches are different, and there is a shortage of food safety personnel and nutritionists on the spot, so there is an urgent need for special laws to standardize them.

Xu Huiyu said that nutritious lunches are different in different counties and cities, and the structure of meals such as all ingredients and purchasing fees should be transparent and open for inspection. In addition, the government should take the responsibility of source management and inspection, rather than being borne by schools and group catering operators themselves. Because the government has an unshirkable responsibility to allow students to eat safe food.

Wang Hanyang, Vice Chairman of the National Federation of parent chairmen (Photography / Lin Yijun)

Ministry of Education: legislation still needs to be studied. Low price does not mean that food materials must be poor.

In response to the appeal of the National Federation of parent chairmen, the Ministry of Education responded that in order to formulate a complete lunch system for students and the legal basis for promoting food and education, public hearings and symposiums had been held many times, but there were still opinions from all parties and emerging issues to be integrated at the research stage.

According to the Ministry of Education, school lunch materials account for at least 70% of the fees, and some school lunch supply departments adopt public office camps, which do not involve profits, and their fees may be lower. In addition, the school buys local food materials, and its transportation cost can also be reduced because it is closer to the origin. Therefore, it is not suitable to evaluate the quality of food materials by the price gap of bidding between counties and cities.