
Dounan Communication Road Special Industrial Zone gives birth to Smart Food processing and Storage Park

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Zhongshan Expressway No. 1 National Highway opens a new era of transportation and industrial development in Taiwan. Among them, Dounan Communication Road plays one of the roles of regional development hub. Yunlin County-actively promotes the special industrial area of Dounan Exchange Road, which will be the capital.

Dounan Interchange Special Area Industrial Zone Promotes Smart Food Processing and Storage Park

National Highway 1 opens a new era of transportation and industrial development in Taiwan. Among them, Tounan Interchange plays one of the roles of regional development hub. Yunlin County-Actively promotes the industrial zone of specific areas of Tounan Interchange. It will be developed in stages according to urban planning, giving birth to food processing and warehousing logistics parks with intelligent technology innovation. After development, it is expected to create 18,000 jobs.

Yunlin County Mayor Chang Li-shan pointed out that promoting the development of industrial zones to promote industrial development is an important policy to reverse the dilemma of local development.Yunlin County-In addition to the central government's support for industrial development plan, it is actively developing industrial land independently. It uses advanced planning concepts to select important land for development, attract industrial investment and employment population, and promote balanced regional development. The development of industrial zones in specific areas of Tounan Interchange is one example.

County magistrate Zhang Lishan said that Yunlin County-within the scope of the selected Dounan Interchange Special Area, it is adjacent to Yanping North Road on Provincial Highway 1 in the east, Zhongxi Road on Yun71 Line of Township Road in the west, Daye Road on Line 158 of South Lin County Road in the south, and the planned boundary of the Zhongshan Gaodou South Interchange Special Area in the north. 540.9 hectares are planned to be developed in stages and zones. The whole project has entered the preliminary planning stage and is expected to create 18,000 jobs towards a food processing and storage logistics park that promotes intelligent scientific and technological innovation. It will open up new developments in the Dounan region.

According to the Construction Office, according to the questionnaire survey on the development of industrial parks in specific areas of Dounan Interchange and the opinions of all parties, the development direction will be scientific and technological innovation planning intelligent agricultural science and technology research and development zone, processing zone for improving agricultural added value, modern storage logistics zone for increasing multiple channels for domestic and foreign sales of agricultural products and intelligent agricultural experimental field.