
What matters needing attention are there in the cultivation of magnolia?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, What matters needing attention are there in the cultivation of magnolia?

1, the gentleman orchid likes the semi-overcast cool environment, must avoid high temperature, strong light, dry. In 15-25 degrees is the most suitable temperature, below 5 degrees began to dormancy stop growth, high temperature is not suitable, summer should pay attention to summer. Otherwise, the narrow and long leaves will affect the ornamental, and the temperature should be cooled down in time.

2. The basin soil should be kept moist during the growth period of Cymbidium, the basin soil should be dry during the high temperature and semi-dormancy period, and more water should be sprayed on the leaf surface to achieve the purpose of cooling. The gentleman orchid likes fertilizer and changes the basin every 2 to 3 years in spring and autumn, adding rotten leaf soil in the basin soil. The basin should be turned frequently to prevent the blade from leaning to one side.