
The technical leaves of Cymbidium are growing well, but they do not blossom. What is the reason?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The technical leaves of Cymbidium are growing well, but they do not blossom. What is the reason?

All plants blossom and bear fruit only when adversity comes. In order to overcome adversity in the form of seeds with strong resistance. The reason why your orchid does not bloom may be too suitable for vegetative growth. First of all, the orchid blossoms in short sunshine, that is, the sunshine time is getting shorter and shorter day by day, through the change of light to give the orchid a message that winter is coming. Secondly, the temperature difference between day and night should be increased. Thirdly, less nitrogen fertilizer and more scale manure can promote flower bud differentiation.