
What should be done with the rolled leaves of the gentleman orchid?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, What should be done with the rolled leaves of the gentleman orchid?

The gentleman orchid roll leaf is a very troublesome problem. Today, I would like to share with you how to treat the gentleman orchid roll leaf.

The leaves of Cymbidium are curled, the main reasons are as follows:

Soon after the ramet of ①, the root system was damaged and the leaves would curl.

② basin soil is too dry, water supply can not meet the needs of plant growth, but the appearance of leaf curl.

③ soil quality is not good, poor ventilation, poor drainage, the formation of cutting mat growth is poor, affecting the absorption of water and nutrients.

Rescue method: if the ① is too dry, you should pay attention to sprinkling water in time. Spring and autumn adhere to the basin soil slightly moist, but should not be too wet, otherwise the root rot will occur simply.

If the leaves of ② are curled due to poor soil quality, the soil should be changed in time, and the plant will grow normally if it is mixed well with mountain mud mixed with sand or rice chaff ash.