
Cadmium in rice cake complicates rice farmers, poison doctor: Never seen anyone eating poisoning, soil pollution expert: Environment has background value

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Cadmium in rice cake complicates rice farmers, poison doctor: Never seen anyone eating poisoning, soil pollution expert: Environment has background value


A few days ago, the Consumer Foundation sampled rice products commonly eaten by infants sold in Shuangbei area and found that the cadmium content of 4 products exceeded the standard. The detected Wangwang Group Yilan Food said that the raw materials of rice came from public grain, causing heated discussion. Chen Zunxian, a retired professor of agricultural chemistry at Taiwan University, said that soil in its natural state already contains trace amounts of cadmium, lead and other metal elements.In the past, the allowable cadmium residue for edible rice was set at 0.4 ppm, which was based on production data and health risk assessment, the same as Japan's standard.

Yang Zhenchang, director of the Department of Clinical Toxicology and Occupational Medicine of Taipei Rong General Hospital, said that the current allowable cadmium residue in edible rice is 60 kg for adults. Children are lighter in weight. It is indeed easier to exceed the standard than adults after conversion, but it is also related to the way of eating. In clinical practice,"I have never met anyone who has excessive cadmium or even poisoning during normal eating."

Rice processing plants and rice farmers say that rice sold on the market is produced according to the standards set by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. If the inspected processing plants want to make food for babies, they should check the food production process and raw materials themselves to comply with the regulations. How can they push the responsibility onto farmers, causing problems in the sales of rice and rice products now eaten?