
Gentleman orchid has been raised for several years, why not blossom?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Gentleman orchid has been raised for several years, why not blossom?

The reasons why orchids do not blossom are as follows:

A gentleman's orchid blossoms only with 15 leaves. Seedlings need to be maintained for 4-5 years before they can blossom.

The suitable growth environment of Cymbidium is cool and semi-shaded environment, avoid strong light and dry environment, the suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃-25 ℃, and stop growing when it is below 5 ℃.

The root of gentleman orchid is fleshy root, and ventilation is the most important. Flowerpots should choose clay pots or purple sand pots. At the same time, the bottom of the flowerpot is covered with tiles to prevent stagnant water. Flower soil can refer to the following formula: rotten leaf soil accounts for 50%, coarse sand accounts for 15%, charcoal gravel accounts for 20%, mature fertilizer accounts for about 15%, mix well, or buy magnolia special soil in the flower market. When the soil is ready, it should be exposed to the sun. Large Magnolia needs to change soil once or twice every spring and autumn.

Watering the orchid should be regular. If it is not dry, it will be thoroughly watered. Often use a wet cloth to scrub the leaves to increase humidity. Tap water should be properly stored for a few days before it is used to water the flowers.

Watering and fertilization are best carried out at the same time, and fully fermented rice washing water or special fertilizer can be applied every 15-20 days during the peak growth period.

The summer temperature is high, should put the gentleman orchid in the ventilation place, had better put on the pool or the water basin (with the wooden board pad), and often spray water around the plant and the leaf surface, improve the warm and humid environment of the gentleman orchid. At the same time, fertilization should be controlled with little or no application as far as possible.

Always move the position and direction of the orchid to ensure that the plant can grow symmetrically.