
Which flowers are suitable for potassium dihydrogen phosphate? Effect of potassium dihydrogen phosphate on flowers

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Which flowers are suitable for potassium dihydrogen phosphate? Effect of potassium dihydrogen phosphate on flowers

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is a compound fertilizer, phosphorus can promote the development of flowers and fruits, potassium can promote the stout stem and promote the formation of starch; to improve the acidity of the soil, it is good for flowers that like acidic matrix, such as jasmine, gardenia, Milan, kumquat and so on. Watering or foliar spraying with aqueous solution of potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Which flowers are suitable for potassium dihydrogen phosphate? What is the effect of potassium dihydrogen phosphate? Let's take a look at it.

Which flowers are suitable for potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is acidic, suitable for acidic flowers, such as rhododendron, camellia, etc., while cactus, rose and other flowers that like alkaline environment are not suitable to use.

Effect of potassium dihydrogen phosphate on flowers

First, enhance the stress resistance of potted flowers

Due to the limitation of potted soil, potted flowers are continuously watered during the growing season, and potted flowers absorb nutrients by themselves. If there is no immediate supplement of fertilizer, flowers will have a variety of poor growth conditions. Watering 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution once a week can not only reduce the amount of water, prevent nutrient loss, but also enhance the stress resistance of flowers. Flowers such as tricolor Dong, petunia, marigold, etc. are sprayed on the leaves once a week, which have obvious cold resistance; impatiens, pansy, hundred-day chrysanthemum and other summer and autumn flowers are irrigated once a week, which can enhance their drought resistance; woody flowers such as Phnom Penh, camellia, Milan and other woody flowers adopt the combination of root irrigation and foliar spraying to prevent the infection of anthrax, bituminous disease and Rhizopus. Woody flowers such as jasmine, gardenia, rhododendron, etc., are often sprayed with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution during the growing period, which can make their branches strong, leaves luxuriant and flowers colorful. Herbaceous flowers, such as a string of red, petunia, dahlia, etc., can be sprayed with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution 2 to 3 times in the bud stage to make the flowers large and colorful.

Second, make potted flowers shorter and stronger.

Potted flowers require growth height and the size of the flowerpot, stem should not grow too high, so as not to affect the decoration on the balcony. Dali (Dahlia), hollyhock, poinsettia and other high-stem flowers, often irrigated with potassium dihydrogen phosphate, can make the stem shorter and stronger, and the flowers are much larger; beautiful cherry and carnation, in the same way, "not only the stem grows sturdy, but also does not lodge." The combination of root watering and foliar spraying can not only dwarf the plant shape, but also reduce the foliar growth and make the flower shape large and strange.

III. Prolonging the full flowering period

It can buffer the change of soil acid and base and stabilize the pH value of soil. It can promote the growth and reproduction of microflora in flower rhizosphere. It can improve the soil, make the root system of flowers developed, the leaves are thick and green, the stems are stout, and the disease resistance and stress resistance are enhanced. The flowering period of potted flowers is relatively short, mostly due to the lack of soil nutrients in flowerpots and the lack of trace elements such as potassium and phosphorus, especially those flowers that are sensitive to potash fertilizer. there will be symptoms such as weak stems, few buds, flowers easy to wither and not very bright due to potassium deficiency. The countermeasure is to fill the flowerpot with potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution when the flower seedlings are on the pot, and then spray it on the leaves every half a month. In this way, Pansy and Petunia are put into pot in October and bloom in November, which is in full bloom from February to May of the following year. Fusang, Milan, white orchid, camellia, etc., are sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate during bud formation, which can prolong the flowering period by 5 to 7 days. Auspicious grass, evergreen, big leaf sedum and other foliage plants, irrigated with 3 to 4 potassium dihydrogen phosphate, will also make the flower stem stout and protruding, with the ornamental value of flowers and leaves.

Fourth, dip the root

Before transplanting flowers and trees, use 0.4 to 0.5 kilograms of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu, mix well with dry fine soil, add water into pulp, and dip in the root when transplanting. For example, a week after the daffodils are in the water, the daffodils send out tender leaves, and fibrous roots have grown at the base. They can be soaked in 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution instead of water for one day a week to promote the width of the leaves and the fragrance of flowers.

V. usage of potassium dihydrogen phosphate

1. The aqueous solution of potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be irrigated with a concentration of 0.2%. Foliar spraying depends on the growth stage of flowers: 0.1% in seedling stage and 0.2% in pedicel formation stage. The concentration of base fertilizer is 0.5%. Just wet the basin mud. If there is enough base fertilizer in the flowerpot, the potted soil will not be short of potassium if it is mixed with chicken manure and heap of plant ash; if it is not lost due to excessive watering, it is not necessary to irrigate or less irrigate potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

2. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate can only be used as a supplementary nutrient element for flowers, and it will have a significant effect only when other fertilizers are fully applied. Generally speaking, the effect of spraying and pouring before the bud period is better. Note that it is not applied in rainy days and at noon in sunny days; it is better to apply fertilizer before 10:00 in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the effect is also good when properly mixed with aspirin in March and April.

This is the end of the introduction for you. It is necessary to buy high-purity potassium dihydrogen phosphate produced by regular manufacturers with high absorption and utilization rate and fast absorption; inferior goods with low purity or even fake goods not only have no effect of increasing production, but also cause serious losses.