
Matters needing attention in watering potted flowers

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Matters needing attention in watering potted flowers

1. Timely watering: when potted flowers should be watered can be judged by listening to the sound, seeing the color, and pinching the soil. Gently flick the flowerpot with your fingers, such as a dull dull sound, indicating that the pot soil is wet and does not need watering; if it makes a crisp sound, it means that the pot soil is dry and needs watering. Look at the color of the basin soil, if it is grayish white, it means that the soil is dry and needs watering; if it is dark, it means that the soil is moist and does not need watering. Squeeze the basin soil by hand, if it is in the shape of a ball, it means that the soil is wet and does not need to be watered; if it is powdered, it means that the soil is dry and must be watered.

2. Appropriate watering: potted flowers should comprehensively determine the time, times and amount of watering according to their flower species, soil, climate, season, plant growth status and environment, so as to achieve appropriate watering to promote flower plant growth.

3. Watering at suitable temperature: the absorption capacity of plant roots is closely related to temperature. The decrease of soil temperature will increase the viscosity of water and slow down the speed of water entering the root system, such as sudden cooling. Therefore, potted flowers must be watered at the right temperature and time. Water should be watered in the morning or evening in summer, in the afternoon in winter and before noon in spring; the water used should not be 5 ℃ lower than the temperature, otherwise the water should be warmed in the sun and then watered.

4. pour soft water: water that dissolves more calcium and magnesium ions is called hard water, and water that does not contain or contains a small amount of calcium and magnesium ions is called soft water. Hard water contains a lot of salt, so when it is used to water flowers, brown spots often appear on the leaf surface and affect the ornamental effect. At the same time, the accumulation of salt in pot soil will also affect the growth of flowers. Soft water has strong activity and is easy to be absorbed and utilized by plant roots. In general, Rain Water, river and pond water are soft water, which can be used to water flowers; spring water and well water are hard water, so it is not suitable to water flowers. In the absence of soft water, tap water can be placed in a basin for several days and then used to water flowers. In addition, cold boiled water and magnetized water have strong activity and are good materials for watering flowers.

5. water thoroughly: if the amount of water irrigated can only wet the surface soil, but not the middle and lower soil, the root system of the flower can not go deep into the soil and float in the upper layer of the soil, causing the flower plant not to tolerate drought, the plant is short, the petiole is drooping, and the leaves turn green and even wither. Therefore, when potted flowers are watered, they must be watered thoroughly to the bottom of the basin, which is conducive to the growth and development of flowers.