
What kind of soil is most suitable for orchid cultivation?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, What kind of soil is most suitable for orchid cultivation?

Orchids require loose, well-drained, humus-rich, slightly acidic soils. This is the ecological habit of orchids growing on the litter layer under the forest in ancient times. On the contrary, if the soil is hardened, the drainage is poor, and the content of humus is low, it will affect the normal growth and development of fleshy roots. Or lack of adequate nutrition, or poor drainage affects root respiration, and even causes root rot. The PH value of soil should be about 6.0ml / 6.5. According to the soil requirements of orchids, cultivation substrates that meet the above requirements are generally used to replace the traditional cultivation soil. All of them achieved ideal results.