
How to plant flower seeds?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, How to plant flower seeds?

Nowadays, many flowers are bought from the flower market, but it is difficult to use seed planting on their own. In fact, this is mainly caused by improper seed treatment. So, how to plant flower seeds.

First, the seed treatment is not in place. Different seed treatment methods should be used for different flower seeds. Seeds that are easy to germinate can be soaked, such as a string of red seeds soaked in warm water at room temperature of 40 ℃ for one day and night, rinsed and then sown. Hard seeds, such as asparagus, peony, Jiulixiang, Bairihong, Daphne, etc., were soaked in 40 ℃ hot water for about 48 hours and then sowed into the basin soil. After 20 ~ 30 days, they could sprout and grow. For Pearl Plum and Bauhinia which have a short dormant period and are easy to germinate, the seeds can be sowed directly in 40 ℃ ~ 60 ℃ warm water for 24 ~ 48 hours. Some flower seeds need to be treated at low temperature for a certain period of time in order to promote post-ripening and break the dormancy of seed embryos to germinate, such as cloves, wintersweet and some herbaceous flowers sown in autumn. Some flowers have the characteristics of double dormancy of radicle and Hypocotyl, that is, the radicle needs to go through a high temperature stage of 25 ℃ ~ 32 ℃ for 1 to 2 months or more in order to break dormancy, such as tassel, pod fan, peony seeds.

Second, ignore the suitable temperature for seed germination. The germination of dry seeds must not only have certain moisture conditions, but also have a certain suitable temperature. For example, the suitable temperature of fragrant snowball germination of Cruciferae must be 5 ℃ ~ 20 ℃, that of Gerbera must be 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, and that of primrose must be 15 ℃ ~ 18 ℃. Too high or too low temperature will affect the emergence rate of flowers, even cause the occurrence of mildew of seeds, and greatly reduce the germination rate and seedling rate.

Third, the sowing time is unreasonable. Seeds with large grains, solid skins or oily seeds, such as rose, rose, pomegranate, kumquat, magnolia and other flowers, are suitable for sowing in autumn. Seeds with small grains and thin skin, such as chrysanthemum, asparagus, impatiens, hundred-day red, Lingxiao and other flowers, are suitable for sowing in late spring. Seeds that need high temperature to germinate should be sown in time after maturity, such as cyclamen, chrysanthemum, Zhu Dinghong and other flowers should be sown in early summer.

Fourth, there are problems with the quality of sowing. There are two forms of flower sowing: open field sowing and pot sowing. No matter which method requires loose and ventilated soil, fine particles and good drainage, it is better to use fertile soil rich in humus nutrients and moderate acid and alkali, which is beneficial to seed emergence. The specific sowing methods include sowing, strip sowing and hole sowing. Adequate water should be watered before sowing and covered with plastic (10760255.002.43%) film after sowing to prevent the dry soil from affecting seed germination and emergence. The sowing depth is generally 2.5 times of the grain diameter of flowers.