
Planting Edible Fungi with Biogas residue

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Planting Edible Fungi with Biogas residue

Biogas residue has comprehensive nutrients, loose texture, good soil moisture conservation and moderate pH, so it is a good culture material for artificial cultivation of edible fungi. The culture material after planting edible fungi can also be used as feed for pigs or cattle. Pig and cow dung can also be used as raw materials for biogas fermentation.

Planting Pleurotus ostreatus

1. Seasonal arrangement. High-temperature mushrooms are generally stacked in mid-April, sowed in early May, covered with soil in late May, mushrooms are produced in mid-June and harvested in August; autumn mushrooms are generally piled in late September, sown in October, mushrooms are produced in November, and harvested in April of the following year.

two。 Choice of raw materials. 2400 kg of rice straw, 2400 kg of biogas residue, 50 kg of bean cake powder, 40 kg of urea, 50 kg of calcium superphosphate, 50 kg of gypsum powder, 50 kg of lime and 25 kg of calcium carbonate are used for planting mushrooms.

3. Pre-fermentation (heap fermentation). The stacking time is generally arranged 25 days before planting, and the straw will be wet or soaked to absorb enough water 2-3 days before stacking. (1) build a pile. First lay a layer of straw 2 meters wide and 0.3 meters thick, and then lay a layer of biogas dregs 0.02 meters thick, such a layer of straw a layer of biogas residue heap, while heap to replenish water, and evenly add urea, calcium superphosphate and other auxiliary materials. After 10-12 layers, the height of the reactor is about 1.8 meters. Stack the top of the pile into a tortoise back shape, make the edge vertical, and then cover it with a straw curtain or film to prevent rain. (2) turn over the heap. According to the change of weather and stacking temperature, the pile is usually turned for 4 times, and the interval is 4, 4, 3 and 2 days respectively. Mix the biogas dregs and straw and turn well, and the external material is turned to the middle. The first turn of the pile should replenish the moisture; the second turn of the pile should shrink the material to 1.8 meters and 1.6 meters high, and add 1max 3 gypsum powder; the day before entering the indoor fermentation, the pile should be evenly sprayed with 0.5% dichlorvos around and the site, and sealed with plastic film for 6 hours, so that the stack has a slightly fat taste, straw is moderately cooked, and it is tough, not easy to break, soft and shiny. It reaches the standard of water content of about 62% and pH of 7.5-8.

4. After fermentation (indoor fermentation). (1) stacking of incoming materials. After the end of the pre-fermentation, shake the culture materials up and down, mix them evenly on the mushroom bed, do not feed in the lower two layers, and close the doors and windows. (2) heating the culture material. After entering the room, the temperature will be heated the next day, and the room temperature will reach 60 ℃ in about 10 hours, which will be maintained for more than 7 days. Then wait for the temperature to drop naturally to about 50 ℃, keep it for 5-7 days, and breathe for 15 minutes every 3-10 hours. (3) at the end of post-fermentation, the culture material should be covered with white beneficial microbial hyphae. And some conditions are required: no ammonia flavor, sweet bread flavor, dark brown, soft and elastic, and non-sticky hand, water content of about 62%, pH 7.2-7.5.

5. Flip it. Spread the culture material evenly on each bed frame, pick up the impurities, turn the material, mix it loose, and smooth the edge, so that the thickness is uniform, the tightness is moderate, and the material surface is flat.

6. Sow seeds. The seeds can be sown when the feed temperature drops below 28 ℃. 1.2-1.5 bottles of "grain seed" are needed per square meter. Sowing method: using the method of mixed sowing and face-to-face sowing, first use the uniform sowing of the two strains in the material, then gently pat the material surface with a cleaning tool to make the seeds fall into the material layer, then spread the remaining bacteria evenly on the material surface, press it with a plate, and keep the mushroom clean after sowing.