
How should hydroponic flowers be fertilized? Fertilization Technology of hydroponic Flowers

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, How should hydroponic flowers be fertilized? Fertilization Technology of hydroponic Flowers

Hydroponic flower culture is a new generation of high-tech agricultural project, which adopts modern bioengineering technology and uses physical, chemical and biological engineering means to domesticate ordinary plants and flowers so that they can grow in water for a long time. Hydroponic flower culture takes water as the medium, and the fertilizer used is made up of a variety of nutrient elements (a large number of elements and trace elements). However, a large number of elements needed by flowers, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, are almost blank, and the trace elements contained in them are far from being able to meet the normal needs of flowers. Therefore, it is a very important management measure to fertilize hydroponic flowers timely and effectively. Then let's learn about how to master the characteristics, time, quantity and technology of fertilization for hydroponic flowers.

1. Selection of fertilizers

Hydroponic flowers need to be put into a special nutrient solution, generally not suitable for their own preparation. The nutrient solution of soilless culture is prepared according to the proportion, concentration and acidity of nutrients needed by flowers. it contains not only a large number of elements needed by plants, but also other trace elements. When using nutrient solution, you should strictly follow the requirements of the instructions, grasp the concentration of fertilization, and do not apply it blindly, so as not to cause fertilizer damage. The purchased nutrient solution should be stored in dark and low temperature places, and should not be stored in metal containers. Different flowers have different requirements for nutrient elements of fertilizer. In general, foliage plants should be mainly nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, while flowering plants, especially in the stages of flower bud differentiation and flower bud development, should be dominated by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, supplemented by nitrogen fertilizer.

two。 Fertilization time

Hydroponic flowers should be fertilized in spring and autumn, but not in winter and summer. If the growth of flowers is affected by malnutrition in summer, 0.1% urea solution can be sprayed on the leaves.

3. Fertilization concentration

When fertilizing, the concentration of fertilization is strictly controlled, because all the nutrient elements are dissolved in water. When the concentration reaches a certain height, it will cause fertilizer damage to flowers, thus affecting the growth of flowers, and even lead to the death of the whole plant. ① different flowers fertilization concentration is not the same, fruit taro, mini tortoise back bamboo, ruby forest taro and other flowers are more fertilizer-tolerant, fertilization can be thicker; flowers with slender roots, such as Sihai wave, duckfoot grass, begonia, colored leaf grass and other fertilizer tolerance is poor, fertilization should be lighter. ② hydroponic flowers also according to the strength of plant growth to determine the application concentration, generally speaking, plants with strong growth potential have stronger fertilizer tolerance, fertilization can be relatively dense, and vice versa. When indoor hydroponic flowers are malnourished, they should stop fertilizing or reduce the concentration of fertilization, so as not to cause fertilizer damage.

4. Treatment of fertilizer damage

If the branches and leaves of flowers are weak and listless after fertilization, the leaves lose their luster and the roots rot and stink, which is the characteristic of fertilizer damage. Once the above situation occurs, you should cut off the rotten roots in time, change the water and put it in a dark place for maintenance, change the water once a day, and check the roots of flowers, cut off the rotten roots in time, until the new roots germinate again, and then transfer to normal maintenance.