
What do you need to pay attention to when applying fertilizer to flowers?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, What do you need to pay attention to when applying fertilizer to flowers?

To make their flowers long and colorful, they need to take care of their flowers more carefully, fertilization is an indispensable content, then, flower fertilization needs to pay attention to what.

Fertilizing flowers is one of the important measures to raise flowers. The key to fertilizer application lies in timely and appropriate application. Timely means fertilizing flowers when they need fertilizer. For example, it is found that flower leaves are pale and plants grow thin and slow. Fertilization at this time is like sending charcoal in the snow, which is timely. This can be compared to eating. When you get food in your stomach, you will eat well and it will be good for your health. On the contrary, if you eat a lot of food when you are full or when you are about to sleep, it is not only beneficial to your body, but harmful to your health. The right amount means that the amount of fertilizer applied should be controlled well, too little fertilizer can not play a role; and excessive application, not only can not achieve the goal, but will burn the flowering branches. Also note that flowers should be applied nitrogen fertilizer at seedling stage, which can promote rapid and robust seedling growth, and phosphorus fertilizer should be applied at flowering stage to facilitate flowering.

Fertilization must also pay attention to the relationship between seasons, spring and summer, flowers grow fast and vigorous, can be more fertilizer; people after autumn flowers grow slowly, should be less fertilizer; to winter, do not have to fertilize again. Master the number of fertilization is also very important, potted flowers fertilization, the number may wish to be more, but the amount of each application should be less, must not be applied too much, too thick. From the beginning of spring to the beginning of autumn, thin fertilizer can be applied once every 1-2 weeks; after the beginning of autumn, thin fertilizer can be applied once every 2-3 weeks; after the beginning of winter, there is no need to apply again.

Fertilization time, generally can be carried out in the evening, special attention should be paid to the hot season can not be fertilized around noon, because this time the soil temperature is very high, fertilization is easy to hurt the roots. In addition, before watering fertilizer, loosen the pot soil first, which is conducive to the smooth infiltration of fertilizer and water, which is absorbed by the roots of the plant.

Chemical fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate (nitrogen fertilizer), calcium superphosphate (phosphorus fertilizer), potassium sulfate (potassium fertilizer), etc., suitable for garden flowers. Potted flowers are not often applied, otherwise a long time, pot soil will become harder and harder, until hardening.

Fertilization should also be applied according to the variety of flowers. The fertilizer used cannot be the same. Such as osmanthus flowers, camellia love pig manure. Avoid human urine; camellia, azalea, gardenia and other flowers native to the south, avoid alkaline fertilizer; flowers that need to be pruned every year, it is appropriate to increase the proportion of phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer. Flowers such as chrysanthemum, dahlia, etc., mainly for flower viewing, need to apply appropriate amount of nutrient fertilizer in flowering period to make flowers large and beautiful; flowers mainly for leaf viewing, should focus on nitrogen fertilizer; flowers mainly for fruit viewing, should reduce fertilizer and water in flowering period, and should apply sufficient nutrient fertilizer in strong fruit period. Bulbous flowers, appropriate more potassium fertilizer, in order to enrich the bulb; fragrant flowers, into the flowering period should be applied phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, in order to promote flower fragrance thick. Application of organic fertilizer, must not use unfermented raw fertilizer, must wait for its decomposition and add water to make it thin before application. For chemical fertilizers, we must strictly control the dosage, rather less than more, rather thin not thick, otherwise it is easy to burn the roots of flowers, leading to death.

Some experts with many years of experience in flower cultivation have summed up a set of practical fertilization essentials. That is,"four more, four less, four no and three taboo." "Four more" means more fertilizer for yellow and thin, more fertilizer before germination, more fertilizer during bud pregnancy and more fertilizer after flowering;"four less" means less fertilizer for fat and strong, less fertilizer for germination, less fertilizer for flowering and less fertilizer for rainy season;"four no" means no fertilizer for excessive growth and no fertilizer for new planting. Summer heat does not apply, dormancy does not apply. "Three bogeys" are one bogey thick fertilizer, two bogey hot fertilizer (refers to bogey summer around noon when the soil temperature is very high fertilization), three bogey sitting fertilizer (refers to bogey planting flowers directly in the bottom of the basal fertilizer, but should be separated by a layer of soil on the basal fertilizer).