
Which flowers should be planted indoors?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Which flowers should be planted indoors?

Which flowers should be planted indoors?

Now we all like to cultivate flowers indoors, so the most suitable flowers for indoor cultivation are the following.


If green occupies 25% of the field of vision, it can eliminate the physiological fatigue of the eyes. Therefore, indoor green plants not only play a role in the decoration of the room, but also create a good indoor environment, which is pleasing to the eye, meets people's psychological requirements, and also enables people to relax in intense work.

emotional conditioning

Volatile substances released by aromatic plants have a good regulatory effect on people's emotions. Some flowers emit fragrance that can change people's listless state and cheer up, while others have the effect of calming and helping sleep.

release oxygen

Most plants photosynthesize during the day, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, and breathe at night, absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. However, some plants, such as cacti, close their stomata during the day to avoid water loss, and the oxygen produced by photosynthesis is released only after the stomata open at night. Since plants have this "complementary" function, then the two types of plants with a room, you can balance indoor oxygen and carbon dioxide content, keep indoor air fresh.

adjusting humidity

After water is absorbed by indoor plants, it is distributed to the air through transpiration of leaves, which can regulate air humidity. This function is especially important in the dry north and air-conditioned enclosed rooms.

Drug use sterilization

With the improvement of living standards, room decoration is essential, and those decoration materials more or less contain toxic substances. Some flowers have strong anti-toxic ability and can absorb certain toxic gases in the air, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde, hydrogen chloride, etc. Some foliage plants have the effect of absorbing radioactive substances. Volatile oil emitted by some flowers has a significant bactericidal function and can make indoor air clean and hygienic.

Functions of various flowers

Camellia, cyclamen, violet, tuberose, balsamina, dianthus, gladiolus and so on can be toxic sulfur dioxide through leaves, after oxidation into non-toxic or low-toxic sulfate and other substances.

Narcissus, Jasmine, chrysanthemum, etc. can convert nitrogen oxides into proteins in plant cells.

Chlorophytum, aloe can absorb a large number of indoor formaldehyde and other pollutants, eliminate and prevent indoor air pollution. In particular, hanging orchid, put a pot in the room, within 24 hours, its leaves will be indoor air carbon monoxide and other harmful gases "eat", its effect even exceeds the air filter.

Pomegranates, chrysanthemums, etc. have the ability to absorb sulfur, hydrogen fluoride, mercury, etc.

Jasmine and other flowers secreted by the Bactericide can kill certain bacteria in the air, inhibit tuberculosis, dysentery and typhoid bacilli growth.

Jasmine fragrance can make dizziness, dizziness, cold, nasal congestion and other symptoms to alleviate. Headache, dizziness, cold, blurred vision, often smell chrysanthemum is also quite beneficial.

Cactus plants release carbon dioxide during the day and absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night, so a pot of cactus in the bedroom is quite good. In addition to cactus plants, orchids of various orchids, clams of Amaryllidaceae, narcissus, etc., also have this peculiar function.

Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to the quality of the indoor environment. Adding green plants to the interior decoration can not only beautify the room, but also make people psychologically adjusted and mentally relaxed, and can also improve the indoor air quality.