
The sequelae of stopping irrigation "the bottom of grain prices!" The secondary rice in the stop irrigation area affects the good rice in the non-irrigation area, and the peach bamboo seedling valley price "one country, multiple systems" farmers complain.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The sequelae of stopping irrigation "the bottom of grain prices!" The secondary rice in the stop irrigation area affects the good rice in the non-irrigation area, and the peach bamboo seedling valley price "one country, multiple systems" farmers complain.

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The farmland in the Taozhu Miao area has been stopped from irrigation, but it is "one country, many systems." some farmers have received compensation and sold grain, while others have not even been able to ask for a stable grain price.

According to the regulations on compensation for stopping irrigation, rice harvests in stopped irrigation areas are not allowed to pay public grain in accordance with the "guaranteed purchase system." however, farmers cannot bear that some of the rice is mature and rotten in the fields, but they still sell the rice harvest to grain merchants, but most of the grains are of poor quality and low prices.

Unexpectedly, the chaos was born from this! Farmers in the Taozhu Miao non-irrigated area point out that the purchase price of 100 jin of wet grain in the non-stop irrigated area was 950 yuan in previous years, but now it is affected by the stopped irrigated area. Grain merchants take advantage of the opportunity to lower the grain price, and the purchase price is only 750 yuan. Farmers said that the difference of 2 yuan per jin is the profits of rice farmers, non-stop irrigation areas have not been able to receive subsidies, but also have to be deprived of profits, "not fair at all."

However, the Agriculture and Food Administration guarantees that it has reached a consensus with farmers' associations and grain merchants that they will buy according to the quality of rice, and will never push everyone into the price of secondary rice. However, when "upstream and downstream" visited peasant associations in Hsinchu and Taoyuan, they found that there was no "graded acquisition". The grain merchant claimed that the warehouse was full, but he refused to let reporters in to take pictures.

Longtan, Taoyuan, is a non-stop irrigation area, but the good rice produced is offered by farmers' associations and grain merchants at a low price, 200 yuan less per 100 jin than in previous years. (photo / Yang Yuyun) Rice prices are affected by stopped irrigation areas, who will take care of farmers in non-irrigation areas

Longtan District of Taoyuan City has been separated from Shimen Irrigation District since 40 years ago, relying on the nearby Pangtang stream to meet the irrigation demand. This time, peach bamboo seedlings were forced to stop irrigation. Longtan is one of the few areas where farmers can harvest normally ripe rice. However, the farmers did not expect that the grain merchants unexpectedly used the price of poor quality rice in the non-stop irrigation area to harvest the normal rice in the non-stop irrigation area.

"Hongnong fresh Valley" is Longtan's famous champion rice. Farmer Yang Haiguang was afraid to harvest rice when he heard that the price of rice was not good. "but if you don't cut it, you can't leave it for too long. This is where the farmers are sad."

Xu Yuhan, a farmer in Longtan, has 1.8 hectares of farmland. He has heard that the purchase price of the peasant association is running along with the grain merchants outside, which is currently 750 yuan. Xu Yuhan asked, "Peasants' associations should be the big parents of farmers and should help farmers raise market prices. how can they follow businessmen to lower prices?"

Farmer Zeng Sheng-ching says that dry grain can be refrigerated, but wet grain is not resistant to storage, and most rice farmers do not have drying equipment, so farmers will send them to farmers' associations or grain merchants for drying as soon as possible after harvesting wet grain, and grain merchants and farmers' associations offer to buy them. Farmers can only accept that "it is tantamount to being strangled by the neck."

These farmers are all Li people in the black forest of Longtan. Sheng Jia, the head of the village, once questioned that the Agriculture and Food Administration had failed to balance food prices at all. He asked angrily, "has the Agriculture and Food Department been kidnapped by grain merchants?"

Farmer Xu Yuhan said that Longtan rice is full and the price should not be aligned with rice in the no-irrigation area at all. (photo / Yang Yuyun) the wet grain price of 750 yuan has no profit at all, and farmers are eager to be stopped.

Xinpu in Hsinchu County is also a non-stop irrigation area. Farmer Fan Ganghua said that the purchase price was 900 yuan last year. I heard that it was 200 yuan less this year. "however, when the irrigated areas get compensation and find their own water sources for irrigation, they sell rice after harvest, and the worst is 60,000 to 70,000 yuan per hectare, which is equivalent to 200000 yuan per hectare." "many of our farmers in Xinpu say they want to be stopped," he said. "

Zeng Shuicheng, CEO of the Taiwan Rice planting Association, also helped harvest rice in Xinpu. He said 750 yuan was really unreasonable. "We have at least 900 varieties in the second phase of Changhua," he added. "it should be the impact of stopping the sale of rice in the irrigation area. if there is no stop, after deducting rent, contract manufacturing, pesticides, and so on, 700 is simply not enough."

The grain merchant stressed that the grain quality was poor and the warehouse was full, and the price could not be higher.

According to the "guaranteed purchase system" of the Council of Agriculture, the second phase of rice farming, which pays public grain according to the guaranteed price, can pay up to 4700 kg of public grain per hectare, and the price is divided into three levels. they are "planned purchase" (26 yuan / kg), "tutoring purchase" (23 yuan / kg) and "surplus grain purchase" (21.60 yuan / kg). More than 4700 kilograms of rice are self-owned grain (surplus grain), and farmers usually sell them to farmers' associations or grain merchants.

However, this year, because most of the rice in the closed irrigation area is of poor quality, grain merchants are in business and are unable to offer the same price as in previous years. Liu Hongsheng, head of the old Yongchang Rice Mill in Hsinchu, said, "I still have ten months in stock in the warehouse." How can the price be high when the warehouse is unable to accept more rice?

Hsu Hsin-song, head of the Hsin Songren Rice Mill, said, "it's not our grain merchants who keep down the price of rice, it's the rice that's bad!" Half of the unripe rice is in the wet valley, and the white rice from the dry grain is 15% less, so it is impossible to return the previous price. "We are now collecting 100 jin of wet valley for 700 yuan, and there are a lot of blanks, so farmers have to keep calling the Agriculture and Food Administration to protest," he said in a tone full of helplessness.

However, even for high-quality rice in non-stop irrigation areas, Xu Xinsong is only willing to increase it by 50 yuan. "I would like to charge 750 yuan for Longtan, but I don't have that much space," he said. "

The grain merchant said that there was not enough space in the warehouse to raise the purchase price. The picture shows the old Yongchang rice factory. (photo / Yang Yuyun) Longtan Peasant Association: the price must be set with the grain merchant, otherwise the warehouse will burst.

In response to farmers' query about the price set by the peasant association following the grain merchants, Chen Mengwen, director general of the Longtan District Peasant Association, said, "if I don't refer to the prices of the grain merchants, if everyone in Pingzhen and Taxi brings the leftover grain to Longtan, won't I burst the warehouse?"

Can't the Longtan Peasant Association only collect the rice from Longtan? Chen Mengwen replied, "the farmer is very smart. He will find a way to collect more money in other places and go to Longtan to find a place to hand it in." We are worried about this problem, so we dare not charge too high a price. " He added: "if I charge too much, other peasant associations will protest."

November 16 is the first day of grain harvest for Longtan and Xinpu Peasants' Association. The purchase price of proprietary grain set by Longtan Peasants' Association is a single price: 750 yuan for Wet Valley. On the same day, the purchase price of the Xinpu Peasants' Association was 1050 yuan for dry valley (that is, 840 yuan for wet valley), which was lower than that of previous years.

The Agriculture and Food Department said it reached a consensus with grain merchants and put forward a graded purchase price list.

In response to this dispute over the price of rice in non-stop irrigation areas, Lin Meihua, deputy director of the North District Branch of the Agriculture and Food Department, responded that last week, he had reached a consensus with farmers' associations and grain manufacturers that prices must be set on the basis of quality grades at the time of purchase, and the prices of each quality grade should be announced to avoid misunderstanding. She put forward a five-level form for grain merchants and farmers' associations. "as long as the unit weight is 540 and the water content is between 25 and 28, the basic price is 840 yuan." If this standard is not met, there will be disputes between farmers and grain merchants, and the Agriculture and Food Administration is willing to "mediate and coordinate."

Grading table of food prices provided by the Agriculture and Food Department

In addition, Lin Meihua also points out that although the rice in the suspended irrigation area cannot pay public grain, from the standpoint of taking care of the farmers, the public warehouse still buys the rice, but it cannot be paid to the farmers at the purchase price of public grain. Instead, it is handled in accordance with the above-mentioned "five-level acquisition." She stressed that it is not "quantity" that overwhelms prices, but mainly because of "low quality", so the government hopes that grain manufacturers will be able to distinguish prices according to quality.

It is said above that one set will be done below, and most of the grain merchants of the peasant associations are not graded.

If both farmers' associations and grain merchants make graded purchases as recommended by the Agriculture and Food Department, why will the high-quality rice of farmers in non-irrigated areas still encounter low prices?

When "upstream and downstream" actually visited the rice barns of Longtan and Xinpu Peasants' Association, they did not find the "grading table" provided by the Agriculture and Food Department. The single price announced by Longtan Peasants' Association was 750 yuan, while that of Xinpu Peasants' Association was 840 yuan. In addition, Chen Hsin-hsiung, a farmer in Yuanli, told upstream and downstream that the purchase of rice by the Yuanli Farmers' Association was divided into two grades: 750 yuan and 840 yuan. The Zhubei Peasants' Association, which will open its positions on the 20th, said it would buy at five levels after the opening.

Since November 16 is the first day of opening, it may be understandable that the Peasants' Association did not buy by stages. In order to be prudent, the reporter went to Taozhu area again on the 19th, who would have thought that "one set above, one set below" is the same as the first day.

The Kansai Peasants' Association in the non-stop irrigation area did not post the five-level table. Mr. Zhang, the contractor, said, "the files are in the computer. If you want, I can print a five-level table for you." Director Xie added: "regardless of bulk density, we give a price of 1070 yuan (dry valley)."

The self-operated grain price on the bulletin board of the Kansai Peasants' Association is 1070 yuan for dry grain, which is only a single price, and the graded grain price list is not posted. (photography / Yang Yuyun)

Then came to the Longtan Peasant Association Huangtang Rice Cang, not only did not post the grading form, the announced price of self-owned grain still maintained 750 yuan, farmers also confirmed this price. However, Longtan is not an irrigated area. The quality of rice in this issue is normal, and there is a brand of "Longquan Rice". The price is even less than 840 yuan, which is the basic price of the grading table. No wonder Longtan farmers shouted, "Peasants' associations do not take care of farmers."

Although the price of self-owned grain of the Xinpu Peasants' Association has reached a low price of 840 yuan, it is a single price and is not graded according to its bulk density. When the reporter asked why the grading form was not posted, the peasant association staff took the form out of the drawer. The director of the supply and Marketing Department surnamed Ye even said, "if you want to shoot, I can post it for you."

Obviously got the form last week, why not post it? Director Ye said: "We only received the call yesterday afternoon, and there are no official documents." In fact, we have already signed it to the Director-General, but the boss has not signed it yet. " She said directly: "without official documents, we can ignore them at all."

Farmers simply did not know that there was a five-level table and succumbed to the single low price of grain merchants in peasant associations.

Director Ye went on to say that the harvest in the second phase of this year is low, farmers do not pay enough public grain, and no one will pay their own grain, so