
The waterbirds in Taiwan are disappearing! According to the results of six years' monitoring, the paddy fields in Ilan and the mudflats in Changhua are the most serious.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The waterbirds in Taiwan are disappearing! According to the results of six years' monitoring, the paddy fields in Ilan and the mudflats in Changhua are the most serious.

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The number of 12 species of waterbirds in Taiwan has decreased significantly! The investigation team of the Taiwan New year Bird Carnival, composed of the Tesheng Center and the National Wild Bird Association, jointly monitored waterbirds over a period of six years, recording nearly 330000 times. The results showed that the number of ring-necked plover, green-footed snipe, sandpiper and long-toed shore snipe decreased significantly, while the number of white-crowned chicken increased.

Lin Ruixing, head of the endemic Biology Research and Conservation Center, said that waterbirds are an important environmental indicator, and the decrease in the number of waterbirds means that the environment is getting worse. In the future, the area and habitat quality of various wetland environments must be maintained to avoid pollution and man-made development, such as the location of photovoltaic panels must be carefully selected. The survey data will also be in line with the data of the International Wetlands Federation and add an important jigsaw puzzle to the situation of East Asian waterbirds.