
What if the leaves of Cymbidium are not neat?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, What if the leaves of Cymbidium are not neat?

Gentleman orchid as its name is like a modest gentleman, growing up is particularly attractive, no matter when it is blooming or not, it is a very good ornamental plant, many people like to raise a pot, its leaves are green, flowering clusters, attractive. However, when raising orchids, we will encounter a lot of unsatisfactory places, for example, the leaves of orchids turn yellow, but it is more common.

The gentleman orchid plant shape is dignified, the leaf arrangement is neat, the leaf color is greenish and moist, it is known to watch the flowers rather than appreciate the leaves, it is a kind of flowers that people like to breed very much. So do you know how to choose a gentleman orchid? Let's take a look at the selection skills of gentleman orchid with the editor. To evaluate the quality of Cymbidium varieties, its leaves account for a large proportion. So what are the characteristics of the leaves of the top-grade magnolia? 1. The leaves of the top-grade magnolia should be short and wide, with a length of between 9 cm and 12 cm, the ratio of length to width within 4:1, and some varieties can reach 2:1 or even 1:1, such as Henglan.

Breeding Cymbidium is not an easy task, poor management, will cause Cymbidium leaves irregular, affecting the ornamental value of Cymbidium, Cymbidium leaves in a mess, how to correct, editor here are some methods, recommended to everyone.

The method to correct the irregularity of the leaves of Cymbidium:

1 use small clamps with appropriate strength (such as small bamboo clips for drying) with soft paper to clip the skewed leaves together with the normal leaves directly, and the crooked leaves can be corrected after a period of time.

2 use opaque Zipper paper, or thin cardboard according to the length of the leaf, folded into a width of 1 blade and 2 blades, fixed on the blade with a hairpin or needle, and the leaf is skewed over there, and the leaf can be restored after a few days. In this process, we should pay attention to observe at any time to prevent overcorrection.

3 when viewed from the front of the orchid, some leaves are spaced and some are next to each other, thick cardboard can be used to make a cover board, according to the number of leaves, open some slots with the same spacing, and carefully clip the leaves inside. After the above various methods of treatment, plastic surgery, so that the gentleman orchid to see a line, face up to the ideal form such as opening a fan.

At ordinary times, we should pay attention to the placement direction of the gentleman orchid, point the top of the leaf to the north-south direction respectively, and rotate the flowerpot 180 degrees regularly, and take turns to change the north-south orientation of the two groups of leaves.

The soil change for the gentleman orchid is carried out in spring and autumn, because the temperature is suitable at this time, the gentleman orchid grows vigorously and will not affect the growth because of the change of soil. In the south, the vigorous growth period of Cymbidium is from March to June, when the temperature in the south is generally 10 ℃ ~ 15 ℃, 20 ℃ ~ 28 ℃, and some areas may exceed 30 ℃, which is the suitable growth temperature.

The grower can turn the basin and change the soil from March to April according to the actual situation of the region; the second is from August to September, when the day is warm and cool and the temperature is moderate, which is the second exuberant growth period of Cymbidium. According to the growth of the plant, the grower can turn the pot in autumn in the middle of August.

It should be noted that after archery, or in the bud flowering period, do not change the soil, because the plant needs more nutrients at this stage, the implementation of soil exchange operation will affect the continuous supply of nutrients. However, if rotten roots or yellow leaves have to be changed due to poor soil quality, care should be taken not to break up the tuo and minimize the loss caused by the change of soil.

The above is the way to correct the irregular leaves of Cymbidium, it is easy to produce leaf skew, which directly affects the ornamental value of Cymbidium, which we must pay attention to.