
How to deal with the sprouting of the main stem of Lily

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, How to deal with the sprouting of the main stem of Lily

Lily is a very beautiful flowering plant, very suitable for watching flowers, at the same time, it can also send out a strong fragrance, can make the space full of fragrance, so it is deeply loved by the public. But for most varieties, generally blossom only once a year, a few varieties can open twice a year, and need to do a good day-to-day maintenance management.

Lily generally blossoms in spring and summer, after the end of flowering, the aboveground part of the plant will gradually wither, and the lily will gradually enter a dormant state, and then continue to grow again after the weather turns cool in autumn. But generally at this time, we need to pick off the residual flowers in time, cut off the withered parts, and at the same time strengthen the ball cultivation to promote the rejuvenation of the ball. But also at this time, the lily's pole may also be sprouting.

In general, we need to cut off the ground in time to save nutrients, but the part of the pruning rod should be controlled. Generally speaking, after the flowers have withered, the branches of the flowers should be cut off in time; at the same time, if the upper part of the pole is dry, the dry part of the upper part of the pole should be cut off. If there are new buds on the pole, be sure to keep the buds and cut the pole from 2-3 cm above the bud.

Then cut the other poles according to the above method, but be careful not to cut off all the aboveground parts along the base of the pole, otherwise the new buds sprouting in the lower part of the pole will be cut off. And after pruning, you need to keep the potted plants in a cool and ventilated environment, and then you don't manage them much. The water can even be cut off for the whole winter.

However, during the dormancy period in summer, not all lily varieties will wither, and many varieties will not wither until the end of autumn. Therefore, if the aboveground part is still green after the end of flowering in summer, it is usually only necessary to cut off the flower branches. If there is a bud in the lower part of the pole, keep it, and then carry out maintenance and management in accordance with the normal method.

The main purpose of keeping the green parts on the ground, especially the leaves, is to promote photosynthesis and achieve the purpose of raising balls. When the weather turns cool in autumn, the plant will continue to grow again. But after the aboveground part withered at the end of autumn, we cut off the withered part, leaving only the buds in the lower part of the pole and the lower part of the pole, and the following winter often did not need watering.

Of course, if there is no sprouting on the pole, we can also store the pilling in the refrigerator or store it in the sand. In the early spring of next year, we will take the seed ball out and replant it. However, for novice basin friends, this treatment is generally not recommended. It is recommended that the seed balls continue to stay in the basin soil, and there is no need to care about the seed balls in the soil. When the temperature warms up in spring, it will sprout normally, and then return to normal maintenance and management.