
Growth habits of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Growth habits of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Melon leaf chrysanthemum is native to the Canary Islands of the Atlantic Ocean. It is born in a greenhouse with warm winter and cool summer, and the most suitable temperature for growth is 10 °~ 18 °C. Like the light, but avoid the bright light. Requires rich in rot, loose and fertile, well-drained sandy loam, avoid stagnant water and waterlogging, too much water, easy to cause rotten roots.

Melon-leaf chrysanthemum, also known as thousand-day lotus, cucumber words, thousand-leaf lotus and so on, is a perennial herb of Compositae, which is often cultivated as greenhouse flowers in 2012. The plant height is 30cm to 50cm. Inflorescences straight, much branched, hispid. The center of the leaf is triangular in shape, as large as melon leaves. Head, dense clusters to form a hemispherical, colorful flowers, flower patterns, usually red, light red, pink, white, blue, purple and other colors. The natural flowering period is from February to May.

1. How to cultivate melon and leaf chrysanthemum?

In the process of sowing to flowering, Chrysanthemum needs to be transplanted for 3 or 4 times. Taking the sowing in the first ten days of August in the background area as an example: after about 20 days after sowing and emergence, the seedlings were moved for the first time when there were 2 or 3 true leaves, and the plant row spacing was 5 cm into a shallow basin. The soil used was 2 rotten leaf soil, 2 loam and 1 Shahe. Reduce the content of rotten leaf soil and increase the content of loam soil to make the seedlings grow healthily.

2. How to breed melon and leaf chrysanthemum?

The sowing method is often used, the seeds are harvested immediately after maturity, and the seeds are exposed to the sun to make them fully mature, put into paper bags and stored in dry places. The best sowing time is from April to May, and also to September. Sow the seeds in a basin filled with plain sand, cover it with fine sand, soak the water through the basin wall of the bottom hole, cover the glass plate, maintain the temperature and humidity in the basin, generally sow and roar for seven days, lift the glass to let it ventilate, keep the greenhouse between 12 °C ~ 15 °C, and divide the seedlings when the true leaves grow out of 2 to 3 pieces, and carry out three transplants.

3. How to avoid gourd, leaf, chrysanthemum and leafy flowers?

The suitable temperature: Chrysanthemum morifolium should be cultured in greenhouse in winter, the temperature should be kept at 10 °C at night and 15 °C in daytime. More than 15 °C, it is easy to make the plant grow, the leaf is luxuriant and the flower is few.

Sufficient light, good ventilation: melon leaf chrysanthemum sexual like light, should be placed in a place with sufficient light and good ventilation to facilitate its growth in the pregnant bud.

Fertilization and watering: in the flower bud differentiation and bud stage, the fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied, and stop fertilization after the emergence of flower buds. Melon and leaf chrysanthemum should not be watered too much, otherwise higher temperature will lead to excessive growth of branches and leaves.

4. How to make the melon leaf chrysanthemum blossom during the festive festival?

In order to make the melon and leaf chrysanthemum blossom during the festive festival, it can be adjusted in the following ways:

Variety selection: due to different varieties, the time required for flowering is also different, so we can select varieties to achieve the desired flowering period. It usually takes 5 to 6 months for early flowering varieties to bloom after sowing, 7 to 8 months for middle flowering varieties, and about 10 months for late flowering varieties.

Adjustment of sowing time: in Shanghai, if you want to blossom in New Year's Day, you should sow in July; if you need to blossom during the Spring Festival, you should sow in August; if you sow in September, you can blossom around April of the following year, and the flowering period will last to May.

5. How to maintain soilless potted melon and leaf chrysanthemum?

The nutrient solution is applied. After planting, the nutrient solution should be irrigated for the first time and thoroughly, that is, too much nutrient solution should flow out of the basin bottom hole. In the growing period of Chrysanthemum morifolium, the nutrient solution based on nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once a week, and in the bud stage, the nutrient solution dominated by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be irrigated twice a week until flowering. The leaf surface should be sprayed with 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, once a week, 4 times in a row.

6. What if the root and stem of Chrysanthemum morifolium are rotten?

The hygiene of the cultivation environment. In order to prevent the occurrence of seedling quenching disease, the seedling pot and culture soil should be sterilized. The cultivation medium should be loose and good air permeability. The daily cultivation environment should pay attention to ventilation and light transmission.

7. How to transplant the melon leaf chrysanthemum into the pot?

When the seedlings grow 3 true leaves, first apply thin fertilizer and water, and then take the soil and transplant to a larger mud basin with a diameter of 20 cm. At the bottom of the basin, add appropriate amount of slow-acting base fertilizer, such as cake powder fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, mix with the basin soil, and then fill the basin soil, and then transplant the seedlings with soil balls from the small basin into the basin, immediately pour enough basin water through infiltration, and then carry out normal maintenance and management.