
How to breed windmill jasmine? Culture method of windmill jasmine

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to breed windmill jasmine? Culture method of windmill jasmine

During the epidemic, everyone stayed at home every day. Apart from writing articles, the editor's biggest activity was the garden at home. When he had nothing to do, he went to see the flowers and talked to them bored, always thinking that they could grow up quickly. In particular, the flowers climbing vines, as the editor's favorite, "give high hopes" to them, hoping that they can quickly grow into a flower wall and be filled with climbing shelves made for them a few months in advance. As a loyal fan of climbing rattan flowers, the editor has introduced yellow wood incense, triangular plum, Jiuli incense, wisteria and blue snowflakes yesterday, so let's talk about windmill jasmine today.

Windmill jasmine, also known as silver jasmine, Italian stone, is an evergreen vine. It blossoms from April to June every year, but it can blossom until November if the climate is cool and maintained properly. Its flowers are mainly white, five-petal, like a rotating windmill, and there are also pink and yellow varieties introduced from abroad in recent years, but the price is much more expensive than white windmill jasmine. No matter which kind of maintenance for more than 3 years can climb all over the wall to open a sea of flowers, accompanied by a fragrance like jasmine.

Windmill jasmine is tenacious in vitality, no matter in the high temperature of 35 degrees in summer or the low temperature of minus 17 degrees in winter, and there are basically no diseases and insect pests in the growing period, like yang and endure shade, and the requirement for soil is not high. It is one of the best vines and flowers, which is very suitable for novice cultivation. When the windmill jasmine is in full bloom, it is as white as snow, and the flowers are fragrant all over the court, but you must learn to grow flowers before you enjoy the flowers. Here is the editor to introduce its breeding methods:

I. soil allocation

Windmill jasmine is really a flower that is not easy to raise, and it has a very good adaptability to the soil, whether it is weakly acidic or weakly alkaline, so flower friends in the south and north of our country can plant it without deliberately adjusting the acidity and basicity of the soil. as long as it is not particularly alkaline, there is no problem, even a slightly sticky soil.

However, no matter what kind of soil, there is a prerequisite, that is to keep loose drainage unobstructed, if potted flower friends can refer to the following soil ratio to adjust.

1) 3 rotten leaf soil + 1 garden soil + 1 vermiculite + 1 mature chicken manure

2) 4 parts of garden soil + 2 parts of river sand + 2 parts of rotten leaf soil + 1 part of bone meal

Of course, the flower friends in area 7-11 had better be cultivated on the ground, and there is no problem in overwintering outdoors in winter. land planting can be planted directly with garden soil in the courtyard, and if it is too consolidated and clayey, it can be mixed with rotten leaf soil evenly. Base fertilizer can be used with rotten sheep manure, chicken manure or bean cake dregs. It is best to choose the high terrain in the hospital, which is conducive to the drainage of the place to turn the soil for planting.

Second, light and temperature requirements

Windmill jasmine is a kind of sunny flowers, family culture is the best choice to plant, it will be planted in a place with good ventilation and sufficient light, the plant grows faster, the leaf color is green, the flower bud differentiation is also better, the number of flowers is large, and the flower fragrance is strong. Although the leaves will turn red after the temperature drops gradually in autumn and winter, there is no problem with this, such as Xiaobian's favorite hydrangea.

In warm areas of the four seasons, as long as there is enough light to have 4-6 hours of direct light every day, its branches and leaves can be evergreen all the year round and flowers can bloom continuously. It is also resistant to semi-shade, so we can only keep potted plants on the balcony and don't worry. As long as there is half a day of light every day, windmill jasmine can also grow well, but the number of flowers is less than that of outdoor cultivation.

Generally speaking, the high temperature of more than 32 degrees in summer should shade the windmill jasmine. Although it is resistant to high temperature, it should also be careful of plant burns when the sun is too strong, and if the light is too strong, it will not blossom. It is best to avoid the direct sun and let it expose more mild astigmatism in summer. In other seasons, you can keep it in a place with plenty of light, especially let it bask in the sun in winter in order to survive the winter healthily.

Some flower friends may be confused when they see this. Their growth habits clearly say that it can withstand a low temperature of minus 17 degrees Celsius. Why does it say here that it can live in the sun more in winter in order to survive the winter healthily? In fact, the reason is very simple, the resistance to minus 17 degrees generally refers to the windmill jasmine planted in the ground, while our family potted plants generally move indoors for maintenance when the temperature drops to about 8 degrees, and let it bask in the sun more during the day in order to strengthen its tolerance to the cold.

III. Water demand

Maintenance of simple flowers, the general maintenance of key points are focused on water and fertilizer management, windmill jasmine needs to pay attention to here. It likes to be moist and afraid of waterlogging, so when planting on the ground, the editor suggested that everyone should plant in high terrain, that is, in case of continuous rain, Rain Water could not discharge it in time, resulting in black rot and necrosis of its roots.

And our family potted plant conservation, watering must remember not to be too frequent, the spring and autumn season suggests watering once a day, summer high temperature water evaporation is fast, but also at the flowering period of windmill jasmine, water demand is more, normally we have to water it every morning, and from time to time often like spraying water around potted plants to prevent high temperature baking leaves, if you encounter continuous rainy weather, you have to wait for the pot soil to dry before watering.

And winter maintenance, the editor is generally adjusted according to the weather conditions, if encountered continuous rain and snow weather will not be watered, encounter continuous sunny days will be watered once for about 15-20 days. And watering in winter can only be carried out in the sunny weather at noon, and watering in the evening is prohibited to prevent the cooling basin soil from freezing at night. Flower friends who choose to plant in the interior of the hospital can directly not water it in winter. The deep underground soil moisture dries relatively slowly, and windmill jasmine can absorb water by itself and will not dry to death.

IV. Nutrient supplement

Windmill jasmine likes fat, and flower friends who have been following the editor must know that the editor has said more than once that flowers with large amounts of flowers prefer to be fat. To replenish it with nutrients from the early spring growth period, it is generally recommended to apply fertilizer with too much nitrogen element to it twice a month, such as the mature bean cake fertilizer diluent, that is, to mix a large amount of water on the mature soybean cake fertilizer to water the flowers. This high-nitrogen fertilizer can accelerate the rapid growth of branches and leaves of windmill jasmine and produce more flower branches. However, we should be careful not to get on the leaves when fertilizing, and the concentration of fertilizer and water had better be kept at about 1000 times.

When the plant buds are pregnant, they need to be changed into fertilizers with high phosphorus and potassium elements, such as the commonly used high-purity 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. Flower friends can use it every 10 days leaf spray can also be used to water roots, can be very good to promote bud gestation, blooming flowers, flowers smell far away. On the other hand, the windmill jasmine planted in our land suggests to use bone powder or compound fertilizer with high phosphorus and potassium, dig a hole far away from the root and bury it shallowly, and then water it the next day after fertilization.

After flowering, you only need to be watered, and there is no need to fertilize. Flower friends who do not understand often think that fertilization can blossom better. In fact, on the contrary, flower flowering is absorbed before the accumulation of nutrients, rather than the supplement at that time, several times of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering is enough for it to blossom.

So people fertilize when they bloom, and the root system is originally transmitting nutrients to the flowers, but instead, the whole collection absorbs your newly applied nutrients, which can not be supplied to the flowers but will cause the flowers to wither. After the flower withered, it can supplement the general-purpose granular slow-release fertilizer, so that it can slowly absorb nutrients and survive the winter smoothly. During this period, there is no need to supplement other fertilizers, slow-release fertilizer can last for about 90 days at a time, and slow release will not hurt the roots.

Fifth, set up climbing frames

Windmill jasmine is good at climbing, as long as you give it a shelf, you can climb up, flower rack style is random, according to everyone's preference to build, it can climb on it, give you the effect you want. The editor has hundreds of bamboo slices at home, so he cuts bamboo slices and makes his own hand-made dragnet, plus steel frame arches purchased online, to let them climb.

If you think it may be a little messy to climb, you can also use manual traction to achieve the desired effect, but this operation requires wearing gloves, because windmill jasmine says that oleander flowers are poisonous all over the body. If you accidentally get the juice on your hands, it will burn and hurt.

6. Pruning and picking the heart

Windmill jasmine is resistant to pruning, and this kind of flower wall plant is generally more diligent in pruning, the more flowers bloom, the more prosperous it is. Flower friends can prune them before they sprout in spring and after they fade in autumn.

The main goal of pruning is to have too many branches at the base, and weak branches. Because if the climbing plant wants it to grow branches quickly, it must limit the sprouting of more twigs at the base, and by pruning these basal twigs, it can reduce the dispersion and loss of nutrients and concentrate nutrients on the retained strong branches. The reserved main branches can also be lightly trimmed at the end of autumn to trim off the original height of 1P3, which can reduce waste and consumption and facilitate overwintering.

If you want to make it blossom more, you still need to constantly pinch your heart. Yesterday, when I introduced Blue Snow, I said in more detail. You can refer to its heart-choking method to operate. As with traction, flower friends need to wear rubber gloves to prevent the juice from getting to the skin. Don't simply see the editor pinch with his fingers. Be sure to use sterilized simple pruning to prevent poisoning.

7. Methods of reproduction

Windmill jasmine can be propagated by cutting and striping, which is more suitable for planting and breeding flowers, and cutting is more suitable for potted culture.

The method of striping propagation is very simple, which can be said to be a breeding method that beginners will not make mistakes even if they use it directly. It can be carried out in all seasons except that winter is not suitable for breeding. Florists only need to choose healthy branches to pull them to the nearby ground, then bend the branches and bury them in the soil. After about 1 month, some of the roots buried in the soil can be pruned and separated from the mother plant, and planted separately.

Cutting propagation time is also the same as strip propagation, flower friends also select healthy branches and then cut off, the length is not less than 10 centimeters. Trim off the lower leaves, keep only the top leaves used for photosynthesis, and then cut into the cutting substrate, the substrate does not need to be configured separately, can be directly used with cultivation soil. If the cutting temperature is low, you need to cover plastic bags or plastic film to moisturize and increase the temperature, if the cutting temperature is high, there is no need to cover, keep ventilation and basin soil moist, avoid light, and take root in about 2 months.


(1) the general windmill jasmine will not drive a second time after it has been opened from April to June, but there is a special train, if the maintenance environment temperature can always be stable at about 20-25 degrees, and the ventilation is good and the light is sufficient, it can always be open.

(2) if the windmill jasmine does not blossom, in addition to the temperature mentioned above, flower friends should also consider whether it is caused by too strong or too weak light. Generally ensure that its 4-6 hours of light every day can blossom exuberantly, but be careful not to say too strong direct light.

The maintenance of windmill jasmine is introduced. In fact, after reading this article, we find that it is really good to maintain, and the key point is only water and fertilizer. In other aspects, as long as we give it sufficient light and proper pruning, it will be able to bloom into flowers as white as snow. The older the seedlings are, the more flowers will come out. The editor has seen windmill jasmine cultivated for nearly 10 years before, and the flowers bloom like a white waterfall. And the fragrance of the flowers is not inferior to that of Qili incense, jasmine and wood fragrant flowers.