
Culture method of potted cactus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Culture method of potted cactus

Cactus is a kind of succulent plant which is highly ornamental but easy to survive at the same time. Even in the pot environment, it is easy to raise, and it does not have high requirements for the growth environment, and even heat resistance, drought tolerance, barren tolerance, and strong adaptability. But potted cultivation of cactus, we also need to try to create a suitable growth environment for it, so that its growth is better, ornamental value is higher.

Cactus potted plant in addition to strong ornamental, it is also a very environmentally friendly household plant, very suitable for raising in the indoor environment for decorating the home environment. And if we want to raise the cactus potted plant well, we only need to focus on three aspects to make it grow vigorously and blossom easily. Today, the editor would like to share with you.

First, ensure sufficient light

Cactus prefer places with sufficient light and warm environment, and they are also heat-resistant and light-resistant. As long as the light intensity is not very high, the temperature is not particularly high, and do not exceed its critical bearing point, it can maintain healthy growth. In these respects, it can already beat most potted flowers and plants. Therefore, for daily maintenance, we first need to find a warm and ventilated location with sufficient light for it.

II. Scientific replenishment of fertilizers

Although the cactus is not very fond of fertilizer, and it is not resistant to fertilizer, especially thick or raw fertilizer, it also needs some fertilizer to keep it growing vigorously and blossom as scheduled in a pot environment. Fertilization should not be carried out in a fixed pattern, especially on the basis of how often the fertilizer is applied. It is usually based on the principle of applying fertilizer on demand and fertilizing irregularly.

Generally in the spring and summer growth season, give it appropriate topdressing a little nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium multi-component compound fertilizer. Generally, when you need to water it, you only need to sprinkle about 10 small particles of compound fertilizer into the basin, and then water it thoroughly. It is necessary to apply less fertilizer in autumn, and in winter it tends to go dormant due to the influence of low temperature. The growth of the plant will also become very slow, so do not apply fertilizer in winter.

Third, master the watering method

The cactus is very drought-tolerant and usually stores excess water in the sphere and consumes it when it is hit by drought. But potted plants can not be watered for a long time like ground plants. after all, the space in the pot is limited, and the water that can be stored in the pot soil is also very limited, so it also needs to be watered, but it is necessary to master the correct watering method.

Under normal circumstances, it will maintain exuberant growth in spring, summer and autumn, so it needs to consume more water, especially in summer, the water in the basin evaporates very quickly, so watering should be decided according to the local climate and the dry humidity of the basin soil. Usually water frequently during the growing season to ensure that the basin soil is always moist. It is necessary to stop the water in time after the beginning of winter. after all, the water consumption in winter is less, and the temperature is also low, so it is not suitable for frequent watering, so it is appropriate to keep the basin soil dry.

It can be seen that the maintenance and management method of potted cactus is quite simple, and usually there is no need for us to take good care of it. It only needs to be watered in time when there is a shortage of water, and a little fertilizer can be added properly when it is not growing well. Usually put the potted plant in a sunny and ventilated place with sufficient light for maintenance, so that it can basically meet its growth conditions, and it can grow and blossom healthily. Therefore, potted cactus is very easy to raise.