
How does the black sorcerer take root after rotting?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How does the black sorcerer take root after rotting?

The black mage is a very characteristic succulent plant, which can even be described as magic, because its leaves are the only dark and shiny species found so far in the succulent world. Although its leaves are black and shiny, it does not affect its beautiful and lovely image in people's hearts at all. Therefore, the black mage has always been able to win a place in the succulent world and is very popular.

However, the Black Master is more drought-tolerant and sensitive to water, and it is easy to have rotten roots when overwatered. Black Master's root system is very developed, especially adult plants, its root system is very dense and small, mostly capillary roots, when encountered with water in the basin, it is easy to cause rotten roots. After the rotten roots, we naturally need to save them in time, otherwise the plants may die.

The vitality of the black mage is very tenacious, even if its roots are all rotten, as long as the trunk and branches are still good, its trunk can be cut back to survive by beheading. However, after we behead it, we must remember to dry the roots, otherwise it will be difficult for the plant to survive smoothly. after all, fresh wounds in direct contact with water in the basin soil are prone to infection, resulting in trunk rot.

In order to make the plant survive smoothly, we must dry the wound for a few days, or even for 1-2 weeks before the wound can heal or coagulate and dry. We do not have to worry about whether the plant will die, because its vitality is tenacious, and it will be fine for ten days and a half months. As long as we don't expose it to the sun, because exposure will accelerate the evaporation of water inside the plant, which will dry up and die. If you dry the wound, put it directly in a well-ventilated sunny place.

When the wound is good, we will plant the plant in the pot soil by cutting. Due to the tenacious vitality of the black mage, it is easy to survive, so it is possible to put it on the basin directly. But generally use fluvo-aquic soil on the basin, which can avoid watering after the basin; but if you can ensure that the wound is completely healed, you can even water directly after the basin, but for the sake of insurance, it is generally safer to operate according to the former.

After a week on the basin, we will water the basin soil properly after it dries. However, in order to promote rooting and prevent wound infection, it is recommended that you drop a little rooting liquid and carbendazim into the water, shake well and pour it into the black mage's basin. As long as the growth environment is suitable, if it is smooth, it can take root and survive smoothly in 2-3 weeks, and within 1 month if it is slow.