
ChaoCuo Community in Guozhong Township-the emotion of Heart and Land

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, ChaoCuo Community in Guozhong Township-the emotion of Heart and Land

Sharing for the people living in this land, everyone has their own stories more or less, and these stories are deeply hidden in everyone's inner world. (let's visit and continue to watch step by step) the Chao House community in Paozhong Township, a village full of human feelings, visit the village and the community can see many precious old houses, cultural relics of value (life value), as well as religious culture and botanical gardens that the community strives to maintain and take care of, there are many interesting plants and subtle animals and insects. Agricultural Social Story-the mother of Zhang Qiuwen, chairman of the Chaozhou House Development Association, married from Datun to Chaocuo at the age of 18 and has lived in the Chaocuo for 70 years. At that time, the dowry and skeleton washbasin rack was still well preserved. When he was young, he opened a grocery store in 1954. Before, he had worked for Sugarcane Co., Ltd. At that time, the treatment of the club was good. He was paid on the first or fifteenth day of the month, and she had planted fields. She said that he was poor and had no money to pay the rent. I recall that every time I had to pay water rent, I had to borrow money everywhere to pay water rent to the water conservancy association. At that time, the water rent to be paid to the Water Conservancy Association was too high to make ends meet, so when he was young, Brother Zhang and other friends formed a five-member group to protest at the Water Conservancy Association.

two。 Preservation of ancient buildings-Brother Zhang said that when he was a child, he lived in a Tujiao house, which still had old photos at that time, and now it has been converted into a towering house. At present, there are still many century-old buildings in the community, such as courtyards, bamboo houses, and old pig houses. Some of the old houses are still inhabited by elderly people. Most of the bamboo houses and pig houses are no longer in use, are in disrepair, or pile up a lot of waste. What is more special is that the Wu family's ancient house of the former Wang nationality still has a century-old mural that is well preserved.