
Refuse to become a photoelectricity sea! Luzhugou Nongjian in the north gate refused to encircle the village, and the development of the hot area of waterfowl will become an ecological breakthrough.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Refuse to become a photoelectricity sea! Luzhugou Nongjian in the north gate refused to encircle the village, and the development of the hot area of waterfowl will become an ecological breakthrough.

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There has been a lot of optoelectronic disputes along the coast of Tainan since 2017. after the struggle of Qiku fishermen, the city government promised that in order to protect the aquaculture industry, the development of optoelectronics should not exceed the west of Taiwan's 61 line. However, in Luchugou Port, Tainan's Beimen District, west of Taiwan Line 61, some operators have bought a large amount of idle fishing land and want to develop photovoltaic power plants on the grounds that "serious ground subsidence is not conducive to agricultural management areas." As the crime site is close to Luzhugou fishing village, causing residents to relieve themselves and block the construction one after another, the two sides are still deadlocked.

Taiwan's Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association warns that the ecological location of the site is fragile and sensitive, especially at the mouth of the Jiangjun River, close to the coastline and lagoon. If the site does build a photovoltaic power plant, it will become an ecological breach on the coastline and affect the north-south migration path of migratory birds.

Chen Kun-ho, an independent congressman in support of the local protest, bitterly criticized that the Tainan municipal government allowed the hype of coastal fish and fish land to soar from more than 1 million to more than 4 million per hectare, photoelectric was reduced to a land game, and operators began to play land speculation and arbitrage before generating electricity.

To the north of Luzhugou is the lagoon, and the fishing land to the west and south will develop photovoltaics to trigger the resistance of the farmers. (photography / gentle wind) famous for the sunset in the hometown of Yangzheng, but it is involved in the optoelectronic development case.

Luchugou Port in the north gate of Tainan has been engaged in fishing for generations, and it is impressive with its beautiful sunset fishing port and prosperity. However, since May and June this year, villagers have found that sand and gravel trucks have been found in and out of the fishing boat in the south, and there seems to be a project going on. It was not until around August that the villagers knew that Opto was about to build a photoelectricity power plant. As the area covers a wide area of 20 hectares, almost half of the village is surrounded, and the crime scene is only an alley away from the home. The villagers expect that the problems of reflection and heat absorption that will occur in the future will have an impact on life and the landscape, thus forming a strong rebound.

The construction manufacturer held a presentation on August 30, and the residents were furious and interrupted the meeting. Angry villagers went directly to the construction site on that day to block the construction. The manufacturers started construction again on September 7, which was again blocked by the villagers. On September 9, the chiefs of Beimen District gathered at Luzhugou fishing Port for a briefing. Only the Tainan Municipal Government sent personnel to the meeting, and the two sides agreed: "Construction will be suspended until manufacturers and residents reach an agreement." Unexpectedly, the construction equipment entered the field for the third time on September 21, and the villagers sent it through the Line group and immediately gathered to the construction site to block the construction.

Qiu Pak-yuan, a member of the self-help Association, points out that Luzhu ditch is engaged in raising fish, which directly connects with lagoons and paddy fields through tides to share water sources. Aquaculture attaches most importance to the stability of water quality, and it must have an impact on water temperature and water quality before and after the project. He is even more worried about what will be filled back if the manufacturer wants to fill in the fishing boat. The experience of the industry illegally burying the stove in the neighboring township Xuejia has made the villagers even more frightened. The fishermen depend on this sea for their lives, and they absolutely cannot tolerate the industry to act recklessly.

The whole village of Luzhugou is covered with strips of protest cloth to warn optoelectronic manufacturers of sudden construction. (photo / Zheng Jiro) resident Q: since it is an ecological hot area and west of Taiwan's 61 line, why is it still allowed to develop optoelectronics?

The residents of Luzhugou are very proud of the beauty and ecology of their hometown, and they relied on their own help and found all kinds of problems developed in this case: "Why has Luzhugou been counted as an ecological hot area for a long time?" it is still classified as a development area, "and" Why does the city government promise that it will not be developed west of Line 61, but approve this case? " "without clarifying the problems of ecology and aquaculture, we absolutely cannot accept it."

Chiu Po-yuan bitterly criticizes that the chaos of the coastal optoelectronics industry buying land everywhere has aroused the anger of coastal residents. "this is already beggars driving out temples, and those who buy fish ponds don't live there at all, just because they buy land and make money by building photovoltaics. However, the future of Luzhugou has nothing to do with land investors. the villagers will have to bear the bitter fruit in the next 20 years. "

"fishing birds form a natural food chain with the mouth of the sea, and migratory birds naturally symbiosis with the fishing village industry. now that they are replaced by cold solar panels, do migratory birds still dare to roost?". Qiu Baiyuan said bitterly, "when green energy develops by improper means, it is no longer an environmentally friendly energy, but an energy source that destroys the environment."

The Black Bird Association opposes development: the ecological habitat of the estuary is extremely sensitive, which may affect the migration of migratory birds.

Also opposing the case is the Tainan ecological group, the Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association. Chen Jiancheng, director of the Association, proposed that the case is located at the mouth of the Jiangjun River, surrounded by lagoons and puddles, which itself is an ecologically sensitive area and should not be developed in principle.

The Heidi Conservation Association has long observed that the Jiangjun River to the south, the sea mouth to the west, and lagoons to the north connect the extremely fragile coastline ecology, with only the east bounded by the Taiwan 61 line, and in terms of the flight route or habitat of migratory birds, the point development of this site has actually affected the entire north-south migration line of migratory birds.

The waters of the local estuary and lagoon are covered with paddy fields, and the waters are common, and residents are worried that oyster farming will be affected. And the salinity along the coast is quite high, if the photovoltaic board rust releases heavy metals, or the construction process and anti-rust method once affect the marine ecology, it will seriously damage the aquaculture industry. Residents have all kinds of misgivings about the development project, but they have not received respect and consultation.

The oval shape is Luzhugou fishing port, the diagonal line is the hot spot of waterbirds, the gray is the distribution area of black fish, which is provided by the original picture and file special health center, and the reporter will cut and mark it separately. Tainan Municipal Government: the case was approved before the promise of Taiwan Line 61, and did not violate the agreement.

Kuo Kun-chu, head of the Energy Department of the Economic and Development Bureau of the Tainan Municipal Government, said, "in principle, the development was stopped west of Line 61. However, the operators of the Luzhugou case have already delivered the goods long before the municipal government promised, and they have also been approved by the central government. From the point of view of time, there is no problem of violating the agreement. "

Kuo Kun-chu said that the city government has always hoped that the industry will try its best to clear it up and give a detailed explanation before it can continue with the construction. But he also stressed that "construction approval is issued by the central government and belongs to the power and responsibility of the central government." The municipal government will certainly attach importance to the expectations of the residents, and will also require operators to continue to hold local seminars to try their best to take into account the production, life and ecology of the residents.

Contradiction in administration: 40% of the fishery and electricity symbiosis covered should avoid ecological hot areas, while 70% of surface photovoltaics are not used.

In order to develop green energy, the Council of Agriculture announced the "scope of agricultural land for setting up green energy facilities in areas with serious stratum subsidence that are unfavorable to agricultural operation." the scope of the Luzhugou case is located in area 34, and the development of optoelectronics in this area does not need land change. it is also not necessary to combine with agricultural management, and the photoelectric application area can reach 70%.

But paradoxically, the fishery and electricity symbiotic photovoltaic crime site, which accounts for 40% of the photoelectric area, has a set of maps to exclude the "ecological hot area" before the establishment, while for the surface type crime site with the photoelectric panel area accounting for 70%, it is also possible to threaten the ecological hot area, but no regulation can avoid it.

Avoiding the ecological hot area is the consensus formed after the fishing and power symbiosis project caused controversy. However, the photoelectric development case of "stratum subsidence and unfavorable farming areas" has not ruled out ecological hot spots. Agricultural administrative units should re-examine the 38 unfavorable farming areas announced, and how many overlap with the ecological hot areas.

In 2017, the Council of Agriculture announced that it was unfavorable to cultivated land and subsidence areas, and all the fishing flocks on the south side of Luzhugou were designated as green energy setting areas. (photo Source / Council of Agriculture) City Councillor: the city government broke its promise and allowed optoelectronics to become a land speculative game.

Chen Kunhe, a congressman who has long been concerned about the optoelectronic dispute along the coast, disagrees with the city government. He believes that the city government has promised to "stop development and censorship west of the Taiwan 61 line," and has nothing to do with the delivery time. This case is obviously a violation of the agreement and abandoning the farmed fishermen.

Chen Kun and more bitterly criticized, "under the laissez-faire of the city government, optoelectronics has become a land speculative game in Tainan." He revealed that in order to seize the interests of optoelectronics, operators have bought potential fishing land everywhere, and the number of fishing fish has risen from more than 1 million to more than 4 million per hectare. "many land fishermen can't even wait for the construction to be completed to generate electricity, and as long as they have the potential of an optoelectronic field, they have already begun to speculate and resell them for profit." Under the effect of the increase in land cost, at least five hectares per pond, it is becoming more and more difficult for farmed fishermen to rent a complete large area of land from the market.

Chen Kunhe even revealed that because the central decree was not enough to apply to the coastal farming environment in Tainan according to local conditions, he proposed legislation to regulate the "regulations on the examination and Autonomy of the installation of ground Solar Photovoltaic facilities in Tainan City." up to now, it has still been boycotted by cross-party legislators, and the links involved in optoelectronic interests are so wide that many members who were originally co-signed later asked for the case to be withdrawn. "the DPP has been forcing me to withdraw the case."

Chen Kunhe believes that the repeated conflicts between optoelectronics and fishing villages have highlighted the necessity of inspection by the Ring Society, which is precisely the dilemma he saw in the seven-strand fishermen's protest incident. Unexpectedly, two years later, things did not improve, and the dispute continued.

Luzhugou Yaoye feeds the whole village and is full of confidence in the quality of the baby.

Luzhugou originally belonged to a small fishing village in the outer sea, but with the landscaping of the coastal land, it moved to its present position. Taking advantage of fishing salt, it has been flocking to the sea for generations. According to Mr. Qiu Suzuki in Diqi, Luzhugou now has an income of at least NT $700 to NT $80 million a year, supporting nearly a hundred families, the elderly and children can join hands and open houses, and the entire industrial chain is enough to feed the whole village.

Qiu Suzuki explains: "the oysters produced in Luzhugou are better than cloth bags and Dongshi, because Chiayi adopts floating shed aquaculture. With the rise and fall of sea water, Luzhugou mining station shed aquaculture, and when the sea water goes out, they can also sunbathe, and the meat is more refined." He is confident that such a competitive and dynamic village should not give way to photovoltaic panels.