
More than 100 catties pig diarrhea what medicine to eat quickly, can you prevent it in advance?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, More than 100 catties pig diarrhea what medicine to eat quickly, can you prevent it in advance?

Recently, many pig farms appear diarrhea diseases caused by various factors, especially piglets, the effect of antibiotics is not obvious, the mortality rate is very high, and accompanied by fever, loss of appetite, coarse hair, some also with cough phenomenon, which brings serious economic losses to pig farmers and seriously affects the development of pig industry.

More than 100 jin pig diarrhea what medicine to eat good fast

1. Exogenous dysentery, caused by a sudden drop in temperature or cold wind, is caused by poor spirit, abdominal distension, sour smell of feces, cold limbs and ears;

2, spleen deficiency type dysentery, pigs due to cold weather, do not like to eat, lazy to lie down, feces such as slurry, odor is not heavy;

3. Dysentery caused by injury and eating too much green feed. The abdomen of the affected pig is slightly swollen and painful. The feces are soft and sour, yellow and sticky in color, and contain undigested food.

4. Cold-wet dysentery, caused by cold weather and too wet housing, the affected pigs lose appetite or do not eat, the feces are thin as water, there is no special smell, sometimes cough, cough often has thin feces ejected from the anus;

5. Damp-heat dysentery, caused by continuous rain in autumn, damp earth atmosphere and moldy deterioration of feed, high body temperature, hot ears and nose, foul breath, thin feces and heavy odor of infected pigs.

Porcine diarrhoea control programme

1. Strengthen feeding management to provide suitable growth environment, including temperature, humidity and ventilation, prevent disease caused by sudden weather change, control appropriate feeding density, disinfect houses regularly, and achieve "dry pen, clean groove and good pig breeding."

2. Do a good job of routine vaccine immunization, establish a scientific immunization program suitable for the pig farm, pay attention to the preservation conditions and correct use methods of the vaccine, and at least one needle for each pig.

3. Sows should do a good job of animal inflammation health care and vaccine immunization before and after childbirth to prevent the occurrence of diarrhea after birth.