
Would you like to pour beer on the orchid? what kind of fertilizer do you use to raise the orchid?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Would you like to pour beer on the orchid? what kind of fertilizer do you use to raise the orchid?

As we all know, Clivia is a very delicate flower plant, only careful maintenance can appreciate its unique beauty. Many people still have a lot of doubts about the conservation of Clivia, such as most people are concerned about how to use what fertilizer is usually good, in fact, Clivia fertilization is exquisite! And there are some friends like to use beer to pour clivia, clivia with beer to pour good? With regard to these problems, Xiao Bian will analyze them one by one for everyone.

Can you drink beer?

Clivia can be poured beer. Can be poured once a week, a pour 100ml, before pouring can be diluted with the right amount of water. The main reason is that beer contains a lot of carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide is an indispensable substance for metabolism of various plants and flowers, and beer contains nutrients such as sugar, protein, amino acids and phosphate, which are beneficial to flower growth.

What kind of fertilizer is used to raise Clivia

1. What kind of fertilizer is used in spring

Spring is the peak period of its growth, and it needs more nutrients. You can change it when the pot has been fried sunflower seeds and charcoal, etc. mixed together, to it as a base fertilizer. During the growth period, add nitrogen-based fertilizer every 10 days or so, which should be thin enough to help the growth of branches and leaves.

2. What fertilizer is used in summer

Summer weather is very hot, if there is more than 25 degrees Celsius temperature, clivia is the need to stop adding fertilizer, if too much fertilizer, its fleshy roots will be burned. If it is placed in an area with a temperature below 25 degrees, it can be added to a very light liquid fertilizer every fifteen to twenty days, which can promote its growth and shorten its dormant period.

3. What fertilizer is used in autumn

Autumn is also its growth period, need fertilizer more, in addition to help it change the pot when put some fermented cake residue, but also should give it every fifteen days put a fermented fishy water. If it is a relatively small seedling, autumn to nitrogen as the most important, with appropriate phosphorus and potassium elements, can make its leaves more green, grow more robust. Adult orchids are treated with phosphorus and a little nitrogen in the fall to keep their flowers from splitting open and producing more seeds.

4. What kind of fertilizer is used in winter

Winter should be added to it some fertilizer, some people think that winter is cold, even if it is fertilized it also entered the dormant period, can not absorb. However, this was not the case. It needed a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. In winter, many areas could reach this condition. This was the best time for it to shoot arrows and needed a lot of nutrients.

How to use foliar fertilizer for Clivia

Clivia in the use of foliar fertilizer, generally diluted spray.

The fertilizer will be mixed with water, so that it is fully dissolved, and the impurities will be filtered out, pay attention to the concentration of 0,2%--0.5%, made into liquid fertilizer. Choose to fertilize when the temperature is low and the humidity is relatively high, usually in the morning.

When spraying foliar fertilizer, pay attention to uniform spraying, so that the fertilizer remains on the leaves for about an hour, so that the absorption of young leaves is faster.

In fact, you can add some fungicides and insecticides when spraying.

How do you judge the lack of fat?

1. Clivia lacks nitrogen fertilizer

When breeding Clivia, if its plants appear poor development, leaves grow very weak, or even growth stagnation, and the lower part of the leaves dry yellow phenomenon, this is often the lack of nitrogen fertilizer Clivia.

2. Clivia is short of phosphorus fertilizer

When breeding Clivia, if there is poor flowering, dim color, or even late flowering phenomenon, plus dark green leaves, fruit is also very small, this is often the lack of phosphorus fertilizer Clivia plants.

3. Clivia is short of potassium fertilizer

When breeding Clivia, if the root system is underdeveloped, the plant is weak, the leaves are yellow and have spots, and the flowering is also very small, this may be a lack of potassium fertilizer.

4. Clivia is deficient in iron

When breeding Clivia, the new leaves are yellow-white and severely green, which is often due to iron deficiency. Leaf curl yellow, etc. may be iron deficiency and magnesium deficiency.

Clivia plant tall and beautiful, as if a gentleman modest and courteous, while its flowers delicate and beautiful, presumably no one does not like it! But behind every beautiful clivia there is a hardworking gardener.