
How to raise Milan flowers, breeding methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to raise Milan flowers, breeding methods and matters needing attention

Milan flower is a kind of flower variety originated in China. At present, it is distributed in many countries in the world. It is a kind of ornamental plant. At present, Milan flower is very popular in the market, so it attracts a lot of people to raise it, but before breeding, people must be most concerned about its breeding skills.

How to grow Milan flowers

1. The temperature should be suitable: the Milan flower likes to be warm. The higher the temperature is, the more fragrant the flowers will be. Generally speaking, when the temperature is above 30 ℃, the flowers will smell good when exposed to sufficient sunlight. On the other hand, in the environment below 30 ℃, if they are in the shade of insufficient light, the flowers will not have the fragrance when the temperature is high. The suitable temperature for raising Milan flowers is between 20 ℃ and 35 ℃, and it can blossom as many as 5 times from June to October.

2. There should be plenty of light: Milan flowers should be placed in sunny places throughout the year. If the Milan flower is placed on a well-lit and well-ventilated garden or balcony, and the light is more than 8 hours to 12 hours a day, it will make the leaves of the plant green, the branches grow stout, the number of flowering is more, the flower color is bright yellow, and the aroma is also rich. If we let the Milan flower in the environment of lack of sunlight and shade, it will make the plant branches and leaves grow long and thin, reduce the number of flowering, and the aroma is light.

Culture method of Milan flower

1. Watering. When Milan begins to sprout in spring, we should pay attention to watering and properly control the water, which is the most important part of controlling branches and promoting flowers. If Milan sprouts when watering is not controlled, it is easy to cause branches and leaves to grow, the best way is to wait until the tender head shrunk down before watering. Keep the basin soil in a slightly dry state during other growth periods and properly control nutrition. Promote the growth of branches and leaves.

2. Fertilization. Organic fertilizer is applied once or twice a week, and phosphate fertilizer is applied when the buds have dispersed. After flowering, organic fertilizer should be irrigated once according to the plant type to supplement the consumed nutrients so as to lay a good foundation for the next flowering. However, it is necessary to properly control the water when fertilizing, so that the tender head is not shrunken.

3. Pick the heart in time. Milan has a strong germination ability, with many tillering buds and adventitious buds. In order to ensure normal flowering, it is necessary to cut off the overdense, thin and long branches on the inner branches in time in order to reduce the consumption of nutrients. When the branch grows to 15 to 20 leaves, it is necessary to pick the heart, which can promote multiple lateral branches. Timely pruning can also control the length of each branch, not only to control the perfect plant type, but also to ensure that each blossom is neat and beautiful.

Points for attention in the Culture of Milan Flower

Milan flowers need sunshine all the year round, preferably 12 hours a day. Therefore, the Milan flowers at home had better be placed outside or in a sunny place on the balcony, so as to ensure that the leaves are green and bright and beautiful.

Diseases and insect pests of Milan flower and its control

1. Aphids. Aphids are common in Milan, and when they get sick, the leaves are covered with white bugs and look a little disgusting. But the way to get rid of it is also simple. You can wipe it off with soapy water, or you can spray it with 800 times the liquid of mifepril. When there are fewer bugs, it is recommended to remove them manually and spray less pesticides.

2. Red spider. There are fewer red spiders in family farming in Milan, but it is hard to say if they are maintained on the open-air balcony. The wind and air outside can bring germs at any time. Once a red spider is found on the plant, spray immediately and pay attention to the concentration at the initial stage. Keep it in a ventilated place after spraying, so as not to affect the environment.

3. Anthrax. Control methods: pay attention to maintenance, timely ventilation and dehumidification, timely withered leaves and weeds, so as not to breed bacteria. Remove the diseased leaves as soon as they are found. Rational application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can promote plant growth and improve disease resistance. Fertilizer can be added appropriately according to the growth status of the plant. In the early stage of the disease, spray 80% topiramate solution, or other agents in time. Once every 10 days, spray 3 times and 5 times.

The breeding method of Milan flower is actually very simple. Milan likes light, so we must pay attention to the regulation of temperature and light when breeding. In the later stage of breeding, it is necessary to strengthen the management of fertilizer, water and fertilizer, and timely pruning and prevention of diseases and insect pests are also the inevitable factors to ensure its growth.