
General Yantian is in a crisis of optoelectronic development, and international endangered migratory birds may lose their habitat. Aitaiyang's son-in-law appeals: Taiwan will regret destroying Ecology 101.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, General Yantian is in a crisis of optoelectronic development, and international endangered migratory birds may lose their habitat. Aitaiyang's son-in-law appeals: Taiwan will regret destroying Ecology 101.

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General Yantian, an important ecological hot spot, is in deep photoelectric crisis! The world's endangered snipe and piped-billed snipe fly thousands of kilometers from Siberia to Taiwan every year. They are tired and hungry. Fortunately, General Tainan provides plenty of food and clothing in the salt flat. Next spring, each of them will fly back to the north to breed with luxuriant feathers.

The precious general Yantian is now favored by the optoelectronics industry. Richard, a foreign son-in-law who deeply ploughs Taiwan's ecology, asks for the lives of the migratory birds, hoping that the government will leave a dinner plate for the migratory birds. He said, "General Yantian is like the 101 Building of the migrant Bird World, which is an indicator of Taiwan's ecology." if you destroy it, you will certainly regret it.

The developer Wei Neng Company frankly admitted that it did have a development idea and put forward a photoelectric development plan with the goal of "environmental symbiosis and ecological balance". The ring regiment declared that General Yantian was extremely sensitive and hoped that Wei Neng Company would take the initiative to withdraw the case.

Richard: general Yantian is comparable to ecological 101. If you destroy the ecological index, Taiwan will regret it.

This salt field is located under the general communication road of Taiwan 61, covering an area of nearly 200 hectares, close to the famous scenic spots of Qingkun Kuang and Mashagou. Yantian has been naturally redeveloped into a constructed wetland because it has been idle for a long time, but now it is reported that the optoelectronic company wants to enter the development crisis.

General Yantian aerial photo (Photo / Wu Ming)

Richard Foster, a son-in-law from Taiwan, has been in Taiwan for more than a decade and loves the wild ecology. He has become a bird watching guide, specially bringing people from Europe and the United States to Taiwan to enjoy the ecological beauty of Taiwan. Two years ago, he filmed strange hands invading the salt fields of cloth bags, uncovering the battle for wetlands between photovoltaics and migratory birds, which caused an uproar in public opinion. This time he learned once again that important habitats were facing a development crisis, and he was very frustrated by photoelectric's repeated intrusion into migratory bird dinner plates, and he didn't know how to defend Taiwan's ecology.

Richard said: "every year, migratory birds from Alaska and Siberia fly thousands of kilometers to Taiwan. When they first arrive, they are thin, hungry and dirty, and the strange environment is very scared and easy to be frightened." After recuperation in the wetlands in winter, all the feathers are luxuriant and shiny, so that they have the strength to fly back to the north to continue the next breeding season. "

Richard believes that if Yantian is developed with photovoltaic panels, these migratory birds will not approach and will not perch under photovoltaic panels. "the coast is full of wave absorbers, shallow-water wetland fishing boats are being developed with more and more photovoltaic panels, and migratory birds have fewer and fewer plates, and if they cannot find enough food, they will starve to death during the flight."

"there are internationally endangered Knoop's snipe and piped-billed snipe, whose importance is irreplaceable, just like the 101 building, which is a landmark of Taiwan's ecological image. It is impossible to imagine that Taiwan would destroy such an important place. " Richard receives dozens of ecological tourists to Taiwan every year and is designated to go to General Yantian just to catch a glimpse of Knoop's snipe and spoonbill snipe. He cannot believe that he may have to bring someone to see the photovoltaic panels in the future.

Richard believes that General Yantian is an indicator of Taiwan's ecology, and its status is like 101. If it is developed, Taiwan will certainly regret it. (photography / Lin Jiyang) Optoelectronics can be earned by the consortium, and the elderly rural areas look forward to keeping the ecology and giving the countryside a way to live.

Also angry is Chen Bojing, the head of Qiguding Mountain, which is adjacent to the development site. He said that in the history of Dingshan, drying salt was the industry, and after the transformation of Taiwan salt, the salt fields were abandoned, which directly led to the decline of Dingshan. Now Yantian is constantly released to the photoelectricity industry, which is not a good taste in his eyes: "Yantian used to be a salt farm of our ancestors, but in Japanese times it was forcibly expropriated, and when the national government came, it became Taiwan salt, and now it wants the consortium to build photovoltaic panels. They haven't even asked us how we feel."

Chen Li-chang said with a wry smile, "Optoelectronics is of course easy to earn, but it is all earned by consortia and urbanites, and has nothing to do with us. In an aging country like ours, the way out is like a Gaomei wetland, taking care of the ecology and people will come for a walk during the holidays, so that we can take care of both the economy and the environment. " The top mountain is surrounded by a hot area of black-faced spoonbills, with special "cabins" for bird watching, attracting many parents and children to come to Dingshan to chase black-faced spoonbills on holidays.

Seeing that the forest land of Chiku Taiwan Sugar in the south had been cut down 200 hectares by ZTE Electric, and there was already a photovoltaic field in the northeast corner of the village, he put on a bitter face and said, "the land is left, agriculture and fishery still have hope, and the industry may come back. All the land is used to cover photovoltaics, which directly leads to the fault of the industry. young people want to come back to grow fish and cannot find land. how can the agricultural and fishing villages be revitalized in the future? " Chen Li-chang kept saying that he would take people to protest, but when he looked at the old people in the village, he could only shout helplessness.

Chen Bojing, the head of Dingshan, who is over 50, is already one of the few young generations in Dingshan village, anxious about the loss of photovoltaic power in the development of Yantian near the village. (photo / Lin Jiyang) Bird Club: the winter habitat of endangered migratory birds. If covered with photovoltaic panels, Taiwan's ecological image will be severely damaged.

"the conservation level of black-faced spoonbills is endangered (EN,Endangered), and the number of black-faced spoonbills has increased to 4000 to 5000 each year. The snipe and the billed snipe are in more danger than the black curlew, and their winter habitat is in the general's salt field. If this important habitat is covered with solar panels, it will do great harm to Taiwan's international image. " Pan Chih-yuan, chairman of the Tainan Bird Society, explained the seriousness of General Yantian's development of optoelectronics.

Pan Zhiyuan explained, "the global population of the same endangered (EN) snipe is only 6 to 1300, and the number is rapidly decreasing. The billed snipe is the most endangered (CR,Critically Endangered) bird species in the world, with an estimated 240456 birds in the world, which is close to extinction." These two kinds of Jiaoke breed in Siberia in summer and move south to Taiwan and Southeast Asian coastal wetlands in winter. General Yantian is one of the few stable winter places.

"if it were not for the development crisis, the Bird Club would not want to expose its precious habitat and would rather keep the wetland quiet and keep a low profile to avoid interference with migratory birds." Pan Zhiyuan could not hide his disappointment.



Nuoshi snipe (courtesy of a bird surnamed Chen)



Snipe (courtesy of Bird surnamed Chen) Weineng Company: it does have a development plan and never ignores environmental symbiosis and ecological balance.

The reporter confirmed to Wei Neng Company that the other side was indeed planning General Yantian to develop optoelectronics. The company replied and explained, "at present, a professional team has been appointed to conduct long-term monitoring and discuss the plan with Professor Weng Yicong of Kunshan University of Science and Technology, and put forward a response plan based on the ecological survey and review of the environmental factors shown. It includes the establishment of an ecological reserve to achieve functional maintenance in line with the ecological species and habitat of the area. "

Wei Neng stressed that in the process of developing green energy, the company has never ignored environmental symbiosis and ecological balance. The company's global experience is not only based on the concept of respect for local residents and ecological conservation, but also takes into account the environmental, social, and economic aspects to help promote Taiwan's green energy policy objectives.

Wei Neng caused ecological controversy over the development of photovoltaics in Chiayi cloth bag Wetland, and later reached an agreement with ecological groups by proposing conservation plans and setting up protected areas. Wei Neng seems to intend to replicate the successful experience of cloth bags to persuade opposition. Wei Neng said that in the near future, a forum has been planned to be held in the Tainan General District to explain the plan for the case, and he is looking forward to more in-depth exchanges and collecting opinions from all parties to reach a consensus.

Ring regiment: absolutely cannot sit idly by while General Yantian is developed. I hope Wei can take the initiative to withdraw the case and avoid ecologically sensitive areas.

Cai Huixun, director of the Earth Citizen Foundation, pointed out that when the photoelectric development ecological hot spot occurred in the cloth bag Yantian in Chiayi in 2017, after repeated communication between the private sector, the industry and the government, the industry was willing to concede the scope of development. instead, she adopted such methods as "setting up reserved areas,"regular monitoring," and put forward "ecological compensation." at that time, she thought that Wei Neng Company respected ecology and was willing to compromise.

However, at that time, the people strongly suggested that photovoltaic development should avoid ecological hot areas. later, the Council of Agriculture commissioned the Special Health Center to take an inventory of ecological hot spots along the southwest coast. Therefore, after stocktaking, General Yantian belongs to 'unsuitable development, giving priority to ecological conservation.' Wei Neng should not think that it can be compared with the cloth bag model. " Cai Huixun said.

As far as the ring group is concerned, the cloth bag optoelectronic dispute did not take an inventory of the ecological hot spots at that time, considering that the manufacturers had already started the plan, so they had no choice but to adopt a win-win approach of ecology, optoelectronics and the community. "however, the general's salt field is more ecologically sensitive, and there are important conservation species such as Knosch and spoonbill." Cai Huixun said strongly, "if the industry insists on development, Huantuan will never agree."