
Methods of rejuvenation of weak seedlings of potted orchids

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Methods of rejuvenation of weak seedlings of potted orchids

How to rejuvenate the weak seedlings of potted orchids? The reason for the emergence of weak seedlings in potted orchids is mainly due to excessive work on individual plants, improper management, or disease erosion, and a phenomenon of slow growth of new seedlings and thin, short and weak plants. When this phenomenon occurs, corresponding remedial measures should be taken in time, so the editor will talk about it today. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.

I. weak seedlings should not be planted and raised alone.

Potted orchids have a saying that "orchids gather together and fear leaving their mother." therefore, when cultivating orchids, in order to enhance the growth vitality of the weak seedlings of orchids, it is best to find an orchid of similar plant type, luxuriant growth, and copy the crossbow to plant together with the weak seedlings, through the method of strong and weak to enhance the growth vitality of the weak seedlings, and so on, after the weak seedlings grow into medium-strong seedlings, they can be planted separately.

Second, it is best to cultivate weak seedlings with fine-grained plants.

In order to shorten the serving time of weak seedlings, the original plant material rich in organic matter of large basin and strong seedlings can be mixed under the cultivated plant material Reed head, and fine particles are used to plant gold stone upward at the bottom of Reed head. When going up the basin, a few grains of magic fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer in the middle of the basin to ensure that nutrients can be absorbed in time after the new seedlings take root. The Reed head of the weak seedling should be filled with finer wind fossils to keep the Reed head as moist as possible, so that the new root can come into contact with the "earth atmosphere" in time to avoid stiff buds and new root blackheads. Because the root system of the weak seedling is underdeveloped, the root and bud growth of the weak seedling is not strong, if the particles around the Reed bud point are large, and the surrounding environment of germination and rooting is dry, it will make it difficult to grow new shoots and new roots. in addition, in order to prevent watering and washing away fine-grained plant materials, it is best to cover the upper part with a layer of fine planting stone.

III. Water and fertilizer management should keep up.

After the weak orchid seedlings are put on the pot, do not keep them dry. When the basin noodles dry, you should spray them with water in time. After waiting for the basin, pour light fertilizer every time after pouring clear water twice. When fertilizing, you should pour it along the basin wall and try not to pour it on the leaf center and Reed head. The formula and usage of organic fertilizer are as follows: in spring, put rice water, a bag of yogurt, some eggshells and a handful of fried soybeans into a large transparent beverage bottle, open the bottle and put it outside where you can see the sun to ferment. Wait until the dry orange peel is gradually added after autumn, until the fertilizer becomes fruity and then the root is watered with 50 times the water.

Fourth, properly let the weak seedlings bask in the sun.

Many people think that the weak seedlings of orchids should be raised in the shade, but in fact, it is very important for the weak seedlings of orchids to bask in the sun, which is conducive to the rapid growth of new seedlings, of course, the old seedlings also retire quickly, it is best to bask in the sun properly.