
What are the sucking buds on potted Anthurium andraeanum?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What are the sucking buds on potted Anthurium andraeanum?

There are many varieties of Anthurium andraeanum, but for most varieties, only one sucking bud is needed on each plant. If there are too many buds, it is often very disadvantageous to the growth of the plant. If you absorb too many buds, it is mainly easy to cause the flower stem of Anthurium andraeanum to bend, and the flowers are relatively small, so the ornamental value of potted plants is relatively low.

The sucking buds of Anthurium andraeanum generally grow at the base of the plant, which can grow into seedlings through small buds and can be propagated separately. With the growth of the plant, the absorbing buds of Anthurium andraeanum will continue to germinate and grow, often competing for a large amount of nutrients that originally belong to the mother plant, and will affect the growth and development of both the mother plant and the sucking buds, and may also produce yellow leaves at the base of the plant. Therefore, in addition to a few varieties of Anthurium andraeanum can retain multiple sucking buds. For most varieties of Anthurium andraeanum, it is often only suitable to retain one sucking bud.

And the erasure of sucking buds should be sooner rather than later, because the bigger the sucking buds grow, the more nutrients will be consumed, which will not only weaken the growth of Anthurium andraeanum, but also easily damage the rhizome of Anthurium andraeanum. After all, the bigger the sucking buds grow, the more difficult it is to remove them from the roots. When the plant is damaged in the root, it will more or less affect the growth of the plant, thus affecting the growth of its stems and leaves and the effect of flowering.

In addition, when erasing the sucking bud, you can break it off directly with your hand, so the operation is often more thorough. However, the removal of sucking buds also need to choose an appropriate time, generally in the slow growth period of Anthurium andraeanum or in the rainy season is not suitable to break the sucking buds. The main reason is that Anthurium andraeanum is fragile in the period of slow growth or rainy season, and the resistance of the plant is relatively poor, so it is easy to be infected with diseases and insect pests. Because it will leave a wound after breaking off the sucking buds, it is easy to be attacked by diseases and insect pests when the humidity is too high.

The removal of absorbing buds of Anthurium andraeanum can be carried out in the usual time of turning the soil and loosening the soil, so that too many absorbing buds can be avoided to consume a lot of nutrients. After breaking off a large number of sucking buds, it can stimulate the plant to germinate new roots and promote root germination, so as to ensure that the growth and development of the whole plant in the original basin is in good condition. This is of great significance for potted Anthurium andraeanum to maintain good growth, branch scattered leaves and promote flowering.