
Respiratory diseases occur frequently in pig farms. Have you carefully considered the reasons?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Respiratory diseases occur frequently in pig farms. Have you carefully considered the reasons?

Respiratory diseases occur frequently in pig farms, and the first reaction of pig farmers is not to find the cause of the disease, but to buy medicine to cure the disease, but to cure the symptoms rather than the root of the disease. Calm down and think carefully, respiratory tract disease in pig farms is generally closely related to the following factors:


For example, the pseudorabies vaccine in pig farms is not good, and usually sows do not make blue ear vaccines, let alone purify blue ears. as a result, once there is a little movement in pig farms, it will cause respiratory tract infection, resulting in a higher casualty rate.


Under normal circumstances, in autumn or winter, pig farms will go to seal the windows, firmly sealed, thinking that the wind can not come in, there will be no respiratory disease, which is a big mistake.

Especially in autumn and winter, pig farms should be regularly ventilated, and learn when to ventilate is the best.


Some farmers, in order to save breeding costs, usually fattening pigs do not need mildew remover, always think that the feed is very dry, no mildew, using the best corn and so on, but it is not. Mycotoxins are generally invisible to the naked eye. If you want to see if there is mold in the feed, see if there are black spots where the corn sprouts. The problem of "mold" is that many farmers will ignore that mycotoxin is a big killer of the aquaculture industry. For example, it leads to vaccine failure, sows not in estrus, mummies of aborted fetuses, premature delivery, respiratory diseases in pig farms, coughing and panting again and again.

The presence of respiratory tract in pig farms will be accompanied by blue ears, making the virus mixed very difficult to treat. Take precautions in advance to prevent respiratory diseases and make piglets grow healthily. Even if you get the respiratory tract, do prevention in advance, it will be easy to treat at that time, and there will be no big casualty rate. Preventive feed in advance can be supplemented with timi, doxycycline or traditional Chinese medicine preparations. (source: raising pigs today)