
Flowers that are not suitable for display in the room

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Flowers that are not suitable for display in the room

Many netizens are discussing a question: which flowers should not be put indoors? The following horticultural flower network briefly introduces: several pots of flowers are placed in the elegant room, which is not only pleasing to the eye, but also plays the role of greening a healthy room, but also makes people physically and mentally happy. However, flowers such as orchids and rose flowers should not be raised indoors. The details are as follows:

First, orchids. Its aroma can be overly exciting and cause insomnia.

Second, Bauhinia. The pollen it emits can cause asthma or aggravate cough if it comes into contact with people for too long.

Third, mimosa. The mimosine in its body is a highly toxic organic substance, which will cause hair loss after excessive contact with the human body.

Fourth, Chinese rose. Its rich fragrance can cause chest discomfort, suffocation and difficulty breathing in some people.

The lilies. Its fragrance can also excite the central nervous system and cause insomnia.

6. Evening incense. It emits a large number of olfactory-stimulating particles at night, and smelling it for too long can make patients with high blood pressure and heart disease feel dizzy, depressed and even worse.

7. Oleander. It can secrete a milky liquid, contact for a long time, people will be poisoned, causing drowsiness, mental decline and other symptoms.

8. Pine and cypress. The fragrant smell of pine and cypress flowers and trees has a stimulating effect on the intestines and stomach of the human body, which not only affects appetite, but also makes pregnant women feel upset, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

9. Hydrangea. The particles it emits, such as contact with people, can cause skin allergies and cause pruritus.

Ten. Tulips. Its flowers contain a poisonous alkali, which can accelerate hair loss when exposed to it for a long time.

11. Yellow rhododendron. Its flowers contain a toxin, once eaten by mistake, light will cause poisoning, serious will cause shock, serious harm to health.

Twelve, five-colored plum: flowers and leaves are poisonous, accidental eating will cause diarrhea, fever.

Poinsettia: the whole plant is poisonous, white milk can stimulate skin redness and swelling, accidentally eating stems and leaves can cause death.

14. Single tree: after the stem is broken, white milk can make the skin red and swollen, which can cause blindness.

Fifteen, daffodils: daffodils head contains Lacodine, accidental eating can cause enteritis, vomiting or diarrhea, leaves, flower juice can make the skin red and swollen.

Cloves and nocturnal incense: a large number of particles that strongly stimulate the sense of smell are spread at night, which is disadvantageous to patients with high blood pressure and heart disease.

There are more than 100 kinds of poisonous flowers such as Pinellia ternata, tortoise back bamboo, evergreen flowers, calla lilies, overlord whips, tiger thorns, coral flowers, purple wood, Lycoris radiata, yellow cicada and so on. If you grow flowers in your family, please do not pick branches, leaves, flowers and fruits for children at will, so as to prevent poisoning caused by entrance and juice.