
Cactus is always unable to live, so this is the problem.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Cactus is always unable to live, so this is the problem.

Those who are familiar with the succulent plant, cactus, all know that it is notoriously easy to raise. After all, it has many advantages, such as heat resistance, drought tolerance, barren tolerance, light resistance and so on. It can be seen that its vitality and adaptability to the environment are also very strong. But there are still some newbies who can't keep it alive, which may sound incredible, but it's true. So, how is it that the cactus is always unable to live?

As we all know, cactus is a very drought-tolerant plant, after all, it has the common characteristics of succulent plants, that is, the ability to resist drought is very strong. Usually when there is plenty of water, it will absorb the excess water and store it in the stems and leaves, so that the stems and leaves will look very strong and domineering after filling up. In addition, it is covered with sharp thorns, which is daunting.

It is precisely because it is resistant to drought and waterlogging, so many basin friends have adopted a relatively conservative attitude in watering management, fearing that it will be flooded. As a matter of fact, the cactus is not afraid of being dry, but of being flooded, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots and even stems and leaves to rot. But at the same time, it is also easy to bring a misunderstanding, thinking that if it is not watered for a long time, it will not die. The cactus is always unable to live, which is often caused by improper watering.

In fact, cactus not only needs to be watered frequently, but also has different watering methods in different seasons. Especially in potted cactus, we should pay more attention to watering management. We should not be too lazy, it is a kind of lazy plant, if you even save watering, the friends are really too bad, much lazier than the cactus, there will be problems after a long time.

How to water the cactus in spring and autumn

Although the climate in spring and autumn is suitable, the weather is neither cold nor hot, the temperature and humidity are suitable for our human body and cactus growth at the same time. In this case, the cactus can basically rely on its own stored water to maintain growth for a good period of time, but also absorb some water from the air to promote growth. So, in these two seasons, we don't need to water it much.

If watered too often, it is easy to cause stagnant water in the basin, thus causing rotten roots, stems and leaves may also rot. Generally, it can be watered once every two weeks. For the spring and autumn season, basin friends can rest assured that rough breeding, watering also do not have to care too much, watering once every ten days and a half months is enough. After all, the cactus has little demand for watering in these two seasons.

How to water the cactus in summer

In summer, not only the weather is hot and the temperature is high, but sometimes the air is also very dry, and the cactus tends to transpirate more water and consume more water in such an environment, so watering must be more frequent than in spring and autumn. Friends must not be too lazy. In this case, it is more appropriate to water the cactus pot once a week.

But if there is no rain for a long time, we can keep watering it for about five days. And if you put the cactus pot in the air-conditioned room for maintenance, it is more reasonable to keep watering for about 10 days. Of course, the rainy season is about to strictly control the water, according to the weather to reduce the watering frequency, and it is best not to let it rain. In summer, the main thing is to do a good job in watering cactus potted plants.

How to water the cactus in winter

Due to the low temperature in winter, there is usually some fog in the air, and a large part of the fog is moisture. Cactus can absorb some water through fog, coupled with low temperature, cactus growth is slow, water transpiration and self-consumption are relatively less, so it is necessary to strictly control water for cactus in winter. Overwatering not only reduces the ability of the cactus to keep out the cold, but also makes the cactus rot.

Therefore, you can basically not water it very much throughout the winter and keep watering it every two months. And most of the time, if you water it once throughout the winter, it won't die. Keeping the basin soil slightly dry at ordinary times can improve its ability to keep out the cold, thus reducing the probability of frostbite.

And even if the cactus is usually watered, the watering site is also very important. Generally pour the water in the basin soil, and do not wet the growth point of the cactus, otherwise it is easy to bring damage to the growth point and affect its germination. And in serious cases, decay may occur from the growing point, which will bring us unnecessary losses.