
Why isn't the flower blooming?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Why isn't the flower blooming?

The reason for not blooming


The reason why wisteria does not blossom lies in the planting of seedlings, that is, seedlings cultivated by sowing. This kind of seedling usually takes 7 years to blossom, while normal grafted seedlings blossom within 3 years.

Lack of light

Seedlings planted in the ground or pot should receive at least 6 hours of light. In the maintenance process, it will be affected by different planting or placement, weather conditions and other factors. Light can be supplied artificially if there are conditions.

Improper pruning

Novice flower growers do not know how to prune, only cut off the branches that grow too fast, in fact, that is the reproductive branch. So in the process of pruning, don't cut it if you don't understand it, even if you have to cut off the dead branches and leaves first, and then ask for professional help.

Do not turn over the basin and change the soil for a long time

The soil contains a large number of trace elements, which is a necessary condition for root growth. When you do not turn the pot to change the soil for a long time, the elements in the soil are exhausted and the plants lack the accumulation of nutrients, so it is difficult to blossom.

Variety and other objective factors

There are many varieties of wisteria, some bloom less and some blossom late in the same conservation environment! These are uncontrollable factors, and how to blossom is related to your original choice.

The rest is for personal reasons, maintenance depends on luck, each watering and fertilization at the right time, will affect flowering.

A solution that does not blossom

Select excellent varieties for flowering

Sometimes it's not your fault that you don't blossom, it's because the plant blossoms late or even doesn't blossom. Therefore, it is necessary to choose varieties that are easier to bloom and cultivate.

Strengthen management and supplement nutrition

If the plant lacks nutrition and does not blossom due to improper maintenance, maintenance should be strengthened and topdressing for 2 or 3 times during the growing period to ensure the supply of nutrition. Turn the soil and change the basin at the right time to ensure that there are sufficient trace elements in the soil.

Reasonable pruning

Pruning should be based on the growth of the plant itself, grow too fast, and cut off the weak branches and withered branches in time. When the plant grows too slowly, do not prune it even if the time is right, so as not to affect the flowering.