
How to transplant flowerpots from money trees

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to transplant flowerpots from money trees

To transplant the tree into the flowerpot, we should choose a deeper flowerpot, the size of which depends on the plant, and we also need to prepare weak acid soil with loose air permeability, good drainage and sufficient base fertilizer. Transplant is best carried out in spring and autumn. After planting and fixing the plant, you should water it appropriately, and then do a good job of heat preservation and ventilation.

How to transplant the money tree into the flowerpot

1. Prepare the earth basin

To transplant the tree into the flowerpot, we first need to prepare a flowerpot suitable for its growth, the flowerpot needs to choose a deeper type, the size depends on the plant, and we also need to prepare weak acid soil with loose air permeability, good drainage and sufficient base fertilizer. Soil types that are too clayey must not be used.

2. Transplant method

When transplanting, it is best to choose a sturdy, disease-free plant, and it is best to be carried out in spring and autumn, so that the survival rate will be higher, the roots of the plants will be combed, and then they will be put into the soil, and then the soil will be flattened to make the roots fixed. Finally, appropriate amount of water can be watered to keep the soil slightly moist.

3. Maintenance and management

After transplanting, it is necessary to do a good job of maintenance and management, and at this time, the plant should be moved to the semi-shady ventilated environment for a period of time, which is beneficial to its slow basin, and during this period, it is necessary to control the temperature well. It is best to control the room temperature at about 26 ℃, and fertilize it in time after it recovers, so that the money tree can grow vigorously.