
Key points of cultivation of bulbous flowers

Published: 2024-10-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/08, Key points of cultivation of bulbous flowers

1. Key points of cultivation

1. We need to prepare a good maintenance substrate for the plant before cultivation, that is to say, some rotten leaf soil can be mixed with thicker sand, which can not only ensure that the plant fertility can play a role in promoting plant growth, but also maintain good air permeability and drainage.

2. After that, we need to plant the plant in the basin soil, and we should be careful not to rush to supply water at the beginning, because the root system is injured after being pruned before. if we give too much water early, it will spoil the root.

3. Other aspects of maintenance should also be done well. For example, the maintenance of light can be maintained with bright scattered light at the beginning, and then gradually increase its intensity after the plant is stable, so as to help the plant grow and develop better. Fertilizer also needs to wait until the root system is well developed before giving.

II. Points for attention

At the initial stage of cultivation, the plant is relatively delicate, so it should be given at least a week to heal itself, otherwise giving various conditions early is also a burden on the plant.