
Can evergreen be put in the living room? evergreen fengshui is taboo.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Can evergreen be put in the living room? evergreen fengshui is taboo.

Evergreen can be said to be very popular with the majority of farmed plant enthusiasts. In fact, evergreen also has many wonderful uses in fengshui. Putting it in the bedroom can bring good luck to the family, but the placement of evergreen is fastidious. So, what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of evergreen? Let's learn more about it.

Can evergreen be put in the living room

Evergreen can be raised in the living room, but need to pay attention to when breeding, evergreen sex like warm, humid and semi-shady environment. The summer growth is exuberant, should be placed in the shade place, lest the strong light irradiates, otherwise, easy to cause the leaf dry tip scorched edge, affects the ornamental effect. Therefore, after leaving the room in early spring, it is appropriate to put it in a shaded scaffolding or under the eaves or balcony. In winter, evergreen needs to be moved indoors to survive the winter, placed in a place with sufficient strong light and good ventilation, and the temperature is maintained at 6-18 ℃. If the room temperature is too high, it is easy to cause excessive growth of leaves and consume a lot of nutrients, resulting in weak growth in the following year and affecting normal flowering and fruiting.

Related recommendation: is evergreen suitable for the bedroom?

Second, evergreen fengshui taboos

1. Should be placed in a negative position

Everything in the world is divided into yin and yang, and plants should follow this constant law. Ten thousand green is a negative plant, should be placed in a negative position, in order to contribute to home fengshui. It should be noted that evergreen is not suitable to live in a sunny place, which affects the fortune of the family.

2. Put evergreen in the bedroom

Put the evergreen in the bedroom, it can be said that the feng shui of the bedroom can become better, but also conducive to the development of husband and wife relationship. Especially for people who belong to rabbits and tigers, putting evergreen in the bedroom will make their luck particularly prosperous.

3. Put the evergreen according to its own attributes

If the owner of the five elements in the home is water, then you can put evergreen, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort in anything you do in your career. On the contrary, if you are a person who avoids water in the five elements, then you can definitely not put evergreen.

III. Breeding methods and matters needing attention of evergreen

1. Temperature

The suitable temperature for the growth of evergreen is 20-28 ℃. This plant is not cold-resistant and needs to be kept above 8 ℃ in winter. If the temperature is too low, it is vulnerable to freezing damage. As soon as the leaves fall, they die.

2. Humidity

On the question of humidity, in times of high temperature, we need to water once every morning and evening. In addition, we should spray water to the surrounding ground to improve the air humidity. Water should be restrained in winter.

3. Soil

The cultivation medium can be composed of 2 humus soil, 2 forest rotten leaf soil, 2 sandy vegetable garden soil, 2 furnace ballast ash and 2 mature barnyard manure. When planting, a layer of base fertilizer should be put at the bottom of the basin, such as poultry dry manure that is fermented and ripened and mixed with a small amount of culture soil.

4. Lighting

Evergreen this plant has a strong ability to tolerate shade, it likes to grow in moist semi-shaded, or scattered light environment. A shed should be built for shade in summer to avoid strong direct sunlight.

5. Pruning

In order to make evergreen have a good shape and improve its ornamental value, with the continuous growth of the plant, the lower yellow leaves, residual leaves and some old leaves need to be pruned in time. Family pot evergreen, you can use a soft cloth dipped in beer to wipe the evergreen leaves, not only wipe off the dust, but also add nutrition to the leaves, make the leaves more beautiful and clean.