
Even the official roof is not equipped with solar photovoltaics, how to promote energy transformation? Huantuan denounced disappointment and asked all departments to take positive action.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Even the official roof is not equipped with solar photovoltaics, how to promote energy transformation? Huantuan denounced disappointment and asked all departments to take positive action.

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Solar photovoltaic invasion of farmland caused controversy, in which photovoltaic policy will generate pressure into the "ground-type photovoltaic", while large electricity, public roof but do not need to set up green electricity has been criticized by the outside world. A few days ago, legislator Hong Shen-han held a public hearing to ask the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Education, the Council of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs to report on the power generation potential of their respective jurisdictions.

However, in addition to the Agriculture Committee inventory of the roof of the livestock house was affirmed by the civil representatives attending the meeting, the rest of the ministries were still stagnant, and the public hearing even became a "complaint meeting" of various ministries.

Tseng Wen-sheng, vice minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, says that even the COA's inventory of the roof is more complete than that of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, which makes him very ashamed. (Shooting/Lin Jiyang)

Ministry of Education: Each school is autonomous, the old conditions of school buildings are different, and the incentives for manufacturers are insufficient

Premier Su Tseng-chang recently announced that the Ministry of Education expects to cooperate with county and city governments by 2022 to install more than 3,000 schools across the country with air-conditioning and rooftop photovoltaic facilities to help schools produce green energy to reduce electricity bills. However, Qiu Renjie, a special committee member of the Ministry of Education, said on the spot that there were difficulties in implementing the policy."Each school has a high degree of autonomy, school buildings are in different conditions, old or earthquake-resistant, and economic incentives are insufficient."

Qiu said that in addition to building roofs, more than 400 schools out of more than 3400 currently do not have indoor sports space, hoping to combine private forces to invest in wind and rain courts to add photovoltaic panels, but manufacturers 'willingness is not high.

Ministry of Communications: National Highway Service Area Set Case Flow Standard Eight Times, National Highway Slope Set Photoelectric Panel Still under Evaluation

The Ministry of Communications pointed out that currently, in coordination with green energy planning, the main case sites are in national highway service areas, railway stations and national highway slopes. According to the previous Executive Yuan planning roof type target of 7.09MW, the first phase target has now been achieved. Photovoltaic panels are being planned for 14 parking lots in the national highway service area, with an estimated capacity of 22MW, but they are still bid after eight public tenders.

Taiwan Railway and High-speed Railway Station 11.4MW, of which 7.33MW was completed. However, the outside world is concerned about whether Taiwan can follow the example of foreign countries and install photovoltaic panels on highway slopes. The Ministry of Transportation is still assessing safety and considering the risk of damage caused by highway accidents. The case is still in the development stage.

Lin Yanbo, vice minister of the Ministry of Communications, promised on the spot that he would go back and reformulate it. (Shooting/Lin Jiyang)

Ministry of Interior: Regulations have been relaxed for illegal rooftop installation of photovoltaics, but public safety is still the first priority

Gao Wenting, head of the Construction Management Group of the Construction Administration, who represented the Ministry of the Interior briefing, pointed out that according to the planning of Lai Qingde as Premier in October 106,"Photoelectric installation does not exclude existing illegal roofs, and installation of photoelectricity does not mean legalization of illegal construction." Gao briefing mentioned "how renewable energy policy and illegal construction policy parallel," but for the common civil roof illegal construction, or private modification, Gao pointed out that the scope of the law has been relaxed.

Gao stressed that the "miscellaneous license exemption criteria for renewable energy facilities" have been revised and the building code restrictions on roof construction have been relaxed. However, the position of the Construction Agency is still that "public safety and building safety" are the first priorities.

Agriculture Committee: Call one by one to take stock of the progress of roof installation of livestock farms nationwide

The report of Huang Xinda, a member of the Committee of Agriculture, pointed out that the original target for the roof of agricultural facilities in the agricultural sector was 450MW, and by the end of 2019, 1182MW had been "deployed ahead of schedule" to replace the shortage of ground-based photovoltaics.

At present, the Agricultural Committee has counted 1366 large-scale livestock farms, which can be expanded by 464MV. 3844 large-scale livestock farms have not yet been set up. It is estimated that 1113MW can be set up when the power feeder line is extended. It is estimated that 523MW can be set up for medium-sized livestock farms. Fisheries, aquatic facilities and aquatic processing centers, collection yards, wholesale markets are less ecological, environmental, agricultural concerns, will give priority to promote the development of roof-type photovoltaic.

Photo Source/Council of Agriculture

Taiwan Renewable Energy Action Alliance: "The bidding contract is not friendly, and I have no doubt about it 70 times."

In the face of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Education will push forward the delay of rooftop photovoltaic, Gao Ruping, director of the Taiwan Renewable Energy Action Alliance, criticized bitterly,"The reason why public roofs continue to flow is that the bidding contract is actually very unfriendly. I will not doubt it even if it flows 70 times."

For example, she said,"Obviously, the sun in Taoyuan City, you have to compare the amount of sunshine in Tainan, the bidding unit will not think of energy transformation, and even require the leakage to be done well." Gao suggested that the Energy Bureau formulate a reference model friendly to manufacturers, and angrily criticized the school for "deliberately designing the roof to flow" the standard case, the Ministry of Education for these phenomena is also aware of the existence, obviously a negative response.

Cai Zongrong, chairman of the Solar Photovoltaic Systems Association, criticized the Ministry of Education for still refusing to face the problem: "There are 3,400 schools in the rain playground, but what is the completion rate?" Why has the implementation of the policy failed to meet the target? Now operators build wind and rain playgrounds to install solar panels, the energy bureau only gives 6% reward, but the school also requires basketball stands, court drawing a lot of additional projects, to do only social responsibility." They believe that schools at all levels are still in self-reliance and take advantage of manufacturers. They do not seriously consider the responsibility of installing green electricity on public roofs.

Renewable Energy Action Alliance director Gao Ruping criticized, ministries will not change the practice, continue to contract public roof will continue to flow standard, roof photovoltaic is still stagnant. (Shooting/Lin Jiyang)

Earth Citizen Foundation: How can energy transition be promoted without solar photovoltaic panels on public roofs?

Cai Huixun, director of the Earth Citizen Foundation, said frankly that he was "very disappointed" with the briefing."What is the overall potential?" Where is the inventory? Even the Ministry of Economy has not done so, and other ministries will be even worse. The Highway Bureau of the Ministry of Communications, Taiwan Railway, High-speed Railway and Scenic Spot plus one plus are still less than one-tenth of the roof of the livestock farm inventoried by the Council of Agriculture. Does the Ministry of Interior only see violations? The Ministry of Education is the proportion of the number of schools installed, not the installation area. Even if an entire school is installed with only one building, it is obviously suspected of irrigation.”

Cai asked,"More than 90% of Taiwan's roofs are empty, and even public roofs are not equipped with solar photovoltaic panels. How can energy transformation be promoted?" She says angrily that apart from the Council of Agriculture's efforts to take stock of the number of roofs installed in livestock houses, the ministries have almost handed in blank papers. She believes that this passive attitude of government units must bear the greatest responsibility for the slow promotion of photovoltaic policy.

Photovoltaic industry proposal: illegal factory roof should be included in photovoltaic development

A five-year buffer against large electricity users has also caused dissatisfaction among environmental groups, civil organizations and photovoltaic industry. Cai Zongrong angrily criticized: "I don't understand where the thinking logic of these five years comes from. Since 2025 is to achieve the target of 20GW, why does the Ministry of Economic Affairs agree to a five-year buffer period for large power users?"

Cai also suggested that the factory buildings that have obtained specific factory registration certificates through the "Industrial Assistance Law" should be equipped with certain solar photovoltaic devices according to the large power users. There are more than 1,400 hectares of illegal factory roofs. After the guidance is legalized, it is also socially responsible to combine with photovoltaic devices.

Wu Chengcheng of the Green Citizen Action Alliance said that the "large electricity consumer clause" should be implemented as soon as possible. Wu stressed: "According to the current trend of green energy, it is impossible for large power users to escape this responsibility in the future. They should be required to be prepared now."

Chen Kunhong, director of the solar photovoltaic industry association, proposed that "the average price of one hectare of farmland is 30 million yuan, the highest price in the world. It is difficult for young farmers who want to engage in agriculture to obtain land. The industry hopes to combine this strong greenhouse subsidy to provide a suitable field for young farmers. Large consumers do not only need to buy green electricity, but enterprise group meals should also guarantee the purchase of photovoltaic farming products."

Chen Kunhong, director of the Solar Photovoltaic Industry Association, suggested that photovoltaic companies could develop strong greenhouses to allow young farmers to obtain land. (Shooting/Lin Jiyang)

Huantuan: The Ministry of Economy should announce the boycott of green electricity manufacturers and let public opinion exert its influence

Tsai Tu-wei, director of the Greenpeace Energy Project, points out that promoting solar power generation cannot be based solely on market profit considerations. It is difficult to decentralize and integrate property rights on the roofs of ordinary homes, and the willingness of operators to enter the market is low. Therefore, it is difficult to promote the popularization of photovoltaic roofs only by considering economic incentives. Tsai suggests that the Energy Bureau should develop a non-scale rooftop photovoltaic promotion strategy.

Chen Qizhong, Commissioner of Shihu Conservation Association, believes that "large power users and factory roofs should be equipped with photovoltaic panels. TSMC has signed a huge electricity sales contract with wind power companies, showing that it is willing to assume responsibility." The Industry Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs should announce the boycotted manufacturers, so that public opinion can exert its influence and increase the pressure to resist social manufacturers.

Hong Shenhan pointed out that the complexity of private promotion of rooftop photovoltaics,"Taiwan rooftop photovoltaics involve habitual illegal construction problems, another 20 years of lease is originally guaranteed, some people want to do but can not guarantee that the house has 20 years, if there is inheritance or dispute, affecting the owner's willingness to rent, the future should be developed to open the mobile case field."

Citizen Power Plant Promoter: Setting up applications should simplify procedures and set up a single window

Green energy transformation, in addition to the commercial model, there is also a "citizen power plant" model, that is, community organizations, NGOs or private self-organized cooperatives, in the community or settlement to promote the installation of photovoltaic roofs, compared with commercial companies, facing a more difficult situation.

Gao Ruping believes that there are many problems in the promotion of citizen power plants because the application process is complicated. It is suggested to set up a single window for citizen power plants with reference versions to simplify the whole process.

Chiang Chih-hung, chairman of the Chiayi Dalin Civil Power Cooperative, believes that "in rural communities, many roofs do not have licenses. If every household in rural areas can install them, they can save energy, reduce carbon and reduce indoor temperature." Jiang pointed out that Kaohsiung has opened up photovoltaic panels for iron houses, but Chiayi has not opened up. According to the regulations, the roof of the top floor needs to be removed around the roof, but the top floor of the general family is worshiped by the public, and it is impossible to remove the four sides of the roof."He believes that counties and cities should follow suit and simplify the review process.

Hsu Hui-ming, promoter of the Tanshui Citizen Power Plant, says that the Citizen Power Plant is now in its infancy, and that it has positive significance for communities and organizations everywhere to form cooperatives to participate. There are five private cooperatives, such as the Housewives 'Union and the Ludi Society, most of which are in their infancy. On the contrary, the government has stagnated and conservative controls, so it should be relaxed to allow the private sector to play its role.

Conclusion of the public hearing: ministries will re-inventory and resubmit written reports within two months

The terms of large electricity users are delayed on the road. Zeng Wensheng, vice minister of economy, admitted that the supply of green electricity market cannot be realized in the short term."Is there such a large amount of electricity in the real trading market? Because there are subsidies in the purchase of electricity generation, it cannot be counted as green electricity trading, and the actual supply cannot fully meet the demand." In other words, there is not enough electricity generated by green energy development at present, and large households are required to switch to green electricity. In fact, there is not enough electricity to provide. Mr Tsang added that "there will be a rolling review within two years. The whole mechanism design can create demand by means of legal regulation."

Legislator Hong Shenhan pointed out after the meeting that the roof type 3GW was initially the target proposed by the Malaysian government, and then increased to 6GW as the roof type reached the standard ahead of schedule in 2019. However, the mentality of various ministries and commissions was conservative, and the goals of various ministries and commissions were still set with the old 3GW stage target. Hong stressed that energy transformation is not only the goal of 20GW by 2025, but also the trend of world carbon reduction and green energy procurement, which requires further urging all ministries to upgrade the rooftop photovoltaic target.

After the hearing, the conclusions shall be drawn. Each department shall re-inventory the capacity target and potential of solar photovoltaic devices and submit a written report again within two months.

Chen Chongxian, technical team leader of the Energy Bureau, reported that he agreed that there was a readjustment in the ratio of rooftop photovoltaic and ground-based photovoltaic. Shooting Lin Jiyang