
How to raise Cymbidium in winter? Culture methods of Cymbidium in winter

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to raise Cymbidium in winter? Culture methods of Cymbidium in winter

The flowering period of Cymbidium is from October to April of the following year, so the whole winter is the flowering period of Cymbidium. Well, in the flowering period of the plant, we should make sure that the maintenance temperature is 5-15 ℃, bask in the sun more, usually insert a bamboo stick in the basin, have nothing to pull out and have a look, observe the bamboo signing and dry water, and in the case of good ventilation, frequently spray water around the plant to moisturize, but we should be careful not to splash water on the bud to avoid falling flowers.

1. Temperature: Cymbidium likes to be cool, and the most suitable temperature for its growth is 10-25 ℃. During the flowering period of Cymbidium in winter, if the curing temperature can be maintained at 5-15 ℃, Cymbidium can bloom for more than 3 months without falling.

2. Illumination: Cymbidium likes light. Under the condition of sufficient light, it is beneficial to the leaf growth of the plant, which promotes the formation of flower arrows and makes the plant blossom more. Moreover, the light in winter is warm and soft, and there is no need for sunshade at all. You can move directly to the south balcony to bask in the sun.

3. Watering: Cymbidium has relatively high requirements for water quantity and water quality. In winter, you can insert a bamboo stick in the basin and pull it out at ordinary times. Observe that the bamboo is dry and thoroughly watered. The irrigated water should be dried one day in advance and watered with slightly acidic water. It is more beneficial to the growth of Cymbidium.

4. Humidity: Cymbidium likes to grow in a high humidity environment, too low humidity is not conducive to plant growth and development, and the indoor heating room is particularly dry in winter, so it is necessary to spray water around the plant frequently, but be careful not to splash water on the bud to avoid falling flowers.

5. Fertilization: if Cymbidium does not blossom, you can apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer every other month to promote plant flowering. If Cymbidium has already blossomed, or the newly bought Cymbidium from the flower market, do not apply fertilizer, wait for the plant to fail and prune before applying fertilizer.