
Wind power causes conflict at sea! Yunlin fishermen controlled the construction to destroy the fishing ground, blocked it by boat, and the wind power company formed a fleet to escort the confrontation.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Wind power causes conflict at sea! Yunlin fishermen controlled the construction to destroy the fishing ground, blocked it by boat, and the wind power company formed a fleet to escort the confrontation.

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Recently, the sea outside Yunlin is not calm, due to the fact that Desang Dade Company is carrying out wind farm drilling (HDD) operations off Yunlin. Fishermen think that the working vessels of the wind power company are carrying out land preparation operations at the bottom of the sea to damage the ecology of the fishing ground, so they make their own relief and defend the fishing ground to block the project. Since June, there have been four consecutive incidents of confrontation between fishing vessels at sea.

There was another large-scale standoff the day before yesterday. Under the escort of nine Taichung fishing boats, the wind power company's operating platform tugboat tried to forcibly enter the offshore shoals of Yunlin four lakes to lay submarine cables. Li Pingshun and Li Kaiwen, the fishermen, found that although they were outnumbered, Li and his son still struggled to stop them, and informed the nearby fishermen to help. Finally, due to the shallow coastal water and local fishermen, they arrived. Non-local ships retreated in the face of difficulties.

The wind power company formed a fleet to enter the sea off Yunlin, and local fishermen urgently knocked on the support to defend the fishing ground.

Dade Energy Company plans to build 80 offshore turbines in Yunlin for two years. This incident is mainly caused by the "horizontal guided drilling (HDD) operation of Yunlin Wind Farm" project of Yunlin Wind Farm.

Li Kaiwen said that the local area is an important fishing ground on which fishermen depend for their livelihood, such as tricuspid, emperor fish, and white Pomfre. the wind power company has carried out land preparation for the laying of submarine cables, dragging the seafloor into a mess, seriously damaging the ecology, and causing a reduction in catch. in order to protect the fishing ground, local fishermen have repeatedly confronted the working vessels of the wind power company at sea.

This pair of fishing father and son stalls did not expect that yesterday, in addition to tugboats and working platforms, they also found nine non-local fishing vessels to form a fleet to escort the work ships. "We asked over the radio what we were doing now. The other party said that they came to protect tugboats and working platforms and let their boats come in to do business. We declared on the phone that this was our fishing ground and told them not to come over. " Kevin Lee said.

Since the last time the working boat had destroyed the fishing net at the bottom of the sea, Li Pingshun shouted in the other side's fleet and asked the other side to stop operation, but the other side had no intention to stop. He also had to urgently call on neighboring fishing boats to take care of their own fishing nets through a telephone broadcast. "