
How to cultivate Jinlian in Diyong? Cultivation methods of Jinlian in Diyong

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to cultivate Jinlian in Diyong? Cultivation methods of Jinlian in Diyong

For the cultivation of Clematis diyongensis, light is the key to plant growth. Except for shading measures in summer, sufficient scattered light should be ensured in other seasons. During daily maintenance, it is necessary to take corresponding temperature control measures, and master the methods of watering and fertilization, so as to provide a good environment for plants and ensure their growth.

Cultivation methods of Jinlian in Diyong

1, sufficient light: how to raise Di Yong Jinlian, how to raise Di Yong Jinlian well, we must ensure sufficient scattered light. Spring and autumn belongs to the peak season of plant growth, and sufficient light is more conducive to plant growth. If the light is too strong in summer, the corresponding shading measures should be taken to avoid the damage caused by strong light. As the temperature is low in winter, sufficient light should be ensured, which is more conducive to the overwintering of plants.

2, control temperature: Di Yong Golden Lotus likes warm environment, the most suitable temperature for growth is about 22 ℃, and its cold resistance is poor, so it is necessary to move it indoors to keep warm when the temperature drops to 10 ℃ in winter to ensure that the ambient temperature is not lower than 5 ℃ to survive the winter. When the temperature exceeds 30 ℃ in summer, it is necessary to take corresponding cooling measures.

3. Watering method: the growth of Di Yong Jinlian is inseparable from suitable nutrients, and the key point of watering is to see dry and wet, and to water strictly according to the dry humidity of the soil. It is necessary to keep the soil moist in spring, summer and autumn, and the growth of plants with lower temperatures in winter will also be affected, so we should reduce their watering and keep the soil dry.

4. Fertilization method: Di Yong Golden Lotus is a kind of fertilizer-loving plant, and adequate nutrients should be ensured in the process of daily maintenance. in addition to giving plantar fertilizer at the time of potting, thin liquid fertilizer should be applied every half a month in the growing season to ensure the growth of the plant. In addition, the positive temperature in summer and winter has a great influence on the plant, in order to avoid fertilizer damage, the fertilization of the plant should be stopped at this time.